Page 2 - CHEMETALL-8461-Silicon-Carbide-Catalog_R3
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Expect more

          from a leading

          global supplier

          Precision abrasives and chemicals for
          machining and and finishing

          high-value materials

          Silicon Carbide crystals grown by   Chemetall Precision Microchemicals
          bulk and epitaxial processes are    (a business unit of BASF) based in
          prone to a variety of defects such   Fremont, California, USA in the
          as micropipes and dislocations.     heart of Silicon Valley has developed
          Growth processes have improved      a range of abrasive and chemical
          significantly during recent years but   products for all stages of machining
          imperfections in bulk SiC ingots and   and finishing SiC wafers and
          epitaxially grown material are not   other high value Wide Band Gap
          yet completely eliminated nor their   Semiconductor (WBGS) materials.
          implications in device performance
          fully understood. In the case of bulk   Our emphasis is on the development
          growth, SiC ingots are carefully    and production of precision
          analyzed and defect sites flagged.   consumables to provide best-in-class   Sabre Micropol AF — Polished C Face (Ra=0.22 nm)
          After wire sawing, SiC wafers are   products resulting in maximum wafer
          lapped and polished to remove saw   yields. The company has focused
          damage and sub-surface damage.      primarily on Chemo-Mechanical
          Wafers destined for Power and RF    Polishing (CMP) slurries to deliver
          device fabrication must undergo     near-perfect surfaces on N-type
          Chemo-Mechanical Polishing (CMP)    and Semi-Insulating SiC wafers.
          to improve surface finish and by    The CMP steps utilizing our Sabre
          this stage, the raw wafers are      Micropol CS and AF slurries are
          extremely valuable.                 critical as the resulting surfaces
                                              determine epitaxial deposition
                                              efficacy and ultimately device yield.

                                                                                  Sabre Micropol AF — Polished Si Face (Ra=0.41 nm)

                                                                              SABRE                SABRE
                                                                           MircoPol AF           MircoPol CS
                                               C Face Removal Rate         0.93 micron/hr        1.2 micron/hr
                                                       Roughness              0.22 nm               .41 nm
                                               Si Face Removal Rate        0.15 micron/hr        .29 micron/hr
                                                       Roughness              0.41 nm               .58 nm

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