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20. TRADE RECEIVABLES AND                              20.2 Provision for Impairment of
        OTHER RECEIVABLES                                      Receivables

        20.1 Trade Receivables and Other                                                       2017/18   2016/17
                                        31 March 31 March      At 1 April - Brought Forward        996       926
                                            2018      2017     Increase in Provision               993       310
                                           £000      £000
                                                               Amounts Utilised                   (316)      (37)
                                                               Unused Amounts Reversed            (435)     (203)
         Trade Receivables                10,177     6,320
                                                               At 31 March                       1,238       996
         Capital Receivables (Including
                                               -         -
         Accrued Capital Related Income)
                                                               Provision for impairment of receivables is made
         Accrued Income                   21,993     6,930     where amounts are past due and are uncertain to be
                                                               recovered. Usually the debtors have indicated that
         Provision for Impaired
         Receivables                      (1,238)     (996)    the charge is queried or that payment may not be
                                                               made. The provision includes £318,000 of Injury Cost
         Deposits and Advances                 -         -     Recovery debt to reflect expected rates of collection.

         Prepayments (Non-PFI)             1,856     2,796
                                                               20.3 Credit Quality of Financial Assets
         Interest Receivable                   -         -
         Finance Lease Receivables             -         -                        31 March 2018     31 March 2017
                                                                                 Trade and Other   Trade and Other
         PDC Dividend Receivable             303       106
                                                                                     Receivables       Receivables
         VAT Receivable                      360       469     Ageing of
                                                               Impaired                   £000              £000
         Corporation and Other Taxes           -         -
         Receivable                                            Receivables
                                                               0 - 30 Days                 663                64
         Other Receivables                 1,849       987
                                                               30 - 60 Days                 34                47
         Total Current Trade and
                                          35,300    16,612
         Other Receivables                                     60 - 90 Days                   2               24
         Non-Current                                           90 - 180 Days                46                18
         Prepayments (Non-PFI)                81       139
                                                               Over 180 Days               493               843
         Total Non-Current Trade and
                                              81       139     Total                      1,238              996
         Other Receivables
         Of Which Receivables from                             Ageing of Non-Impaired
         NHS and DHSC Group Bodies:                            Financial Assets Past
                                                               Their Due Date
         Current                          26,072    10,260
         Non-current                           -         -     0 - 30 Days                 294               401
                                                               30 - 60 Days                198               318
        Accrued income includes Sustainability and
                                                               60 - 90 Days                991                62
        Transformation Fund income due to be paid to the trust,
        together with incompleted spells as at 31 March 2018.   90 -180 Days              1,162                1

                                                               Over 180 Days               102                29
        The great majority of trade is with Clinical
        Commissioning Groups and NHS England, as               Total                      2,747              811
        commissioners for NHS patient care services. As these
        bodies are funded by government to buy NHS patient     Receivables are not impaired until amounts are uncer-
        care services, no credit score of them is considered   tain to be received - usually when debtors indicate that
        necessary.                                             there is a query.

        Other receivables include a credit for PFI service

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          184                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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