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30. OTHER FINANCIAL 31.1 Imputed Finance Lease
The Trust is committed to making payments under Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust has the
non-cancellable contracts (which are not leases, PFI following obligations in respect of the finance lease
contracts or other service concession arrangement), element of on-Statement of Financial Position PFI
analysed by the period during which the payment is schemes:
made: 31 March 31 March
2018 2017
31 March 31 March £000 £000
2018 2017
£000 £000 Gross PFI, LIFT or Other
Service Concession 285,100 295,817
Not Later Than One Year; 764 - Liabilities
After One Year and Of Which Liabilities are
Not Later Than Five Years; 1,473 2,789 Due 10,813 10,717
- Not Later Than One Year
Paid thereafter. - -
- Later Than One Year and 42,871 43,072
Total 2,237 2,789 Not Later Than Five Years
- Later Than Five Years 231,416 242,028
31. ON-SOFP PFI, LIFT Finance Charges Allocated to (178,263) (186,911)
CONCESSION Net PFI, LIFT or Other 106,837 108,906
Service Concession
ARRANGEMENTS Arrangement Obligation
The PFI scheme relates to the main hospital building on - Not Later Than One Year 2,220 2,070
East Prescot Road.
- Later Than One Year and
9,447 9,238
Not Later Than Five Years
The trust has the right to use the buildings, however
Alder Hey (Special Purpose Vehicle) Limited (Acorn - Later Than Five Years 95,170 97,598
Consortium) have responsibility for maintaining
the buildings to an agreed standard. All lifecycle
replacement is also the responsibility of Alder Hey 31.2 Total on-SoFP PFI, LIFT
(Special Purpose Vehicle) Limited. and Other Service Concession
A key feature of the PFI scheme is that the operator is Arrangement Commitments
responsible for ensuring that the property is maintained
Total future obligations under these on-SoFP schemes
to an agreed standard for the entire life of the contract.
are as follows:
These are known as lifecycle costs. The costs which
the operator expects to incur in doing this is reflected in 31 March 31 March
the unitary payment. 2018 2017
£000 £000
The contract with Alder Hey (Special Purpose Vehicle)
Limited expires on 21 June 2045, after which time the
Total Future Payments
trust will become responsible for the maintenance and Committed in Respect of the
lifecycle costs of those buildings. PFI, LIFT or Other Service 470,081 483,998
Concession Arrangements
Of Which Liabilities are
Due 14,102 13,916
- Not Later Than One Year
- Later Than One Year and
58,304 57,532
Not Later Than Five Years
- Later Than Five Years 397,675 412,550
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 188 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18