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27.2 Provisions for Liabilities and Charges Analysis

                                             Pensions - Early           Legal            Other              Total
                                            Departure Costs           Claims
                                                     £000              £000              £000              £000

         At 1 April 2017                               792               197               153             1,142
         Change in the Discount Rate                     9                 -                 -                 9

         Arising During the Year                      149                141                 -               290
         Utilised During the Year                    (101)               (84)              (33)             (218)

         Reclassified to Liabilities Held in
         Disposal Groups                                 -                 -                 -                  -

         Reversed Unused                                 -               (24)                -               (24)
         Unwinding of Discount                           2                 -                 -                 2

         At 31 March 2018                              851               230               120             1,201
         Expected Timing of Cash Flows:
           - Not Later Than One Year;                   95               230               120               445
           - Later Than One Year and Not
                                                       265                 -                 -               265
            Later Than Five Years;
           - Later Than Five Years.                    491                 -                 -               491

         Total                                        851                230               120             1,201

        Pensions for former employees have been estimated using life expectancy from the Government’s actuarial tables.

        Legal claims relate to third party and employer liability claims and have been estimated by NHS Resolution. It is
        expected that these claims will be settled in the next year.

        Other provisions includes an amount for ongoing employment disputes.

        27.3 Clinical Negligence Liabilities                   29. CONTRACTUAL CAPITAL
        At 31 March 2018, £138,230K was included in
        provisions of NHS Resolution in respect of clinical                                   31 March  31 March
        negligence liabilities of Alder Hey Children’s NHS                                        2018      2017
        Foundation Trust (31 March 2017: £100,725K).                                             £000      £000

        28. CONTINGENT ASSETS                                  Property, Plant and Equipment     4,030     3,159
        AND LIABILITIES                                        Intangible Assets                   256        21
                                                               Total                             4,286     3,180
        The Trust will potentially receive an amount of income
        related to a commercial transaction.
                                                               Contractual capital commitments relate to capital
                                                               items/work which has been ordered but not received at
                                                               31 March 2018.

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