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Risk                         Our response to the risk           Key observations communicated to the
                                                                         Audit Committee

         Accounting for the Private    We involved our financial modelling   Our PFI expert reviewed the accounting
         Finance Initiative            and PFI experts to:               model for PFI scheme and we are satisfied
                                                                         of the integrity of the model.
         Alder Hey has a significant   • Test the integrity of the
         PFI scheme. Accounting for     financial model used by the
         this material scheme requires   Council.                        We have further tested the application of
         the use of a complex financial                                  the PFI model and were satisfied that the
         model, the calculation of     • Test the completeness           PFI liability is not materially misstated.
         estimates and the application  and accuracy of the inputs to
         of management judgement.       the financial model and the
         As a first year audit, under ISA   subsequent correct application
         510 we are obliged to carry out   of the outputs to the financial
         additional procedures to satisfy   statements.
         ourselves on the accuracy of
         opening balances.

         As PFls use complex models
         for accounting, involving
         significant assumptions
         we will carry out additional
         procedures to gain assurance
         on the appropriateness of the
         underlying models.

         Valuation of Land and         We evaluated the competence,      We found the appointed valuer to be
         Buildings                     capabilities and objectivity of   appropriately qualified with the relevant
                                       management’s specialist (the valuer). skills to perform the valuation analysis.
         Land and buildings accounts
         for a significant proportion of
                                       We performed tests over the       We concluded that the valuation was
         the Trusts net assets (£193
                                       completeness and appropriateness   undertaken in accordance with relevant
         million out of £206 million as
                                       of information provided to the valuer,  financial reporting guidance , and the key
         at 31 March 2018). The Trust
                                       and considered the assumptions    assumptions used in the valuation were
         carries out a rolling valuation
                                       used by the valuer to assess if they   appropriate and within expected ranges.
         programme with the value
                                       are with acceptable ranges.
         and remaining useful lives of
                                                                         We concluded that the valuation was
         land and buildings have been
                                       We reviewed the classification    undertaken in line with the Trusts’
         estimated by their appointed
                                       of assets and ensure the correct   accounting policies
         external valuers.
                                       valuation methodology has been
                                       applied, in addition to ensuring
         A full valuation was held in
                                       the valuer’s conclusions have
                                       been appropriately recorded in the
         The valuation of land and
         buildings is complex and
         is subject to a number of
         assumptions and judgements.
         A small movement in these
         assumptions can have a
         material impact on the financial

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