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• We refer the matter to the regulator under schedule   In preparing the financial statements, the Accountable
          10(6) of the National Health Service Act 2006 because   Officer is responsible for assessing the company’s
          we have reason to believe that the Trust, or a director   ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as
          or officer of the Trust, is about to make, or has made,   applicable, matters related to going concern and using
          a decision involving unlawful expenditure , or is about   the going concern basis of accounting unless the
          to take, or has taken, unlawful action likely to cause a   Council of Governors intend to cease operations, or
          loss or deficiency;                                  have no realistic alternative but to do so.

                                                               Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit
        • We are not satisfied that the Trust has put in place
          proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency    of the Financial Statements
          and effectiveness in its use of resources as required
          by schedule 10(1)(d) of the National Health Service   Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance
          Act 2006;                                            about whether the financial statements as a whole
                                                               are free from material misstatement, whether due to
        • we have been unable to satisfy ourselves that the
                                                               fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that
          Annual Governance Statement, and other information
                                                               includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a
          published with the financial statements meets
                                                               high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that
          the disclosure requirements set out in the NHS
                                                               an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will
          Foundation Trust Annual Reporting Manual 2017/18
                                                               always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
          and is not misleading or inconsistent with other
                                                               Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
          information forthcoming from the audit; or
                                                               considered material if, individually or in the aggregate,
        • we have been unable to satisfy ourselves that proper   they could reasonably be expected to influence the
          practices have been observed in the compilation of   economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
          the financial statements.                            these financial statements.
                                                               Auditor’s Responsibilities with Respect
        We have nothing to report in respect of these matters.
                                                               to Value for Money Arrangements
        The NHS Foundation Trust Annual Reporting Manual
        2017/18 requires us to report to you if in our opinion,
                                                               We are required to consider whether the Foundation
        information in the Annual Report is:                   Trust has put in place ‘proper arrangements’ to secure
        • materially inconsistent with the information in the   economy, efficiency and effectiveness on its use of
          audited financial statements; or                     resources. This is based on the overall criterion that “in
                                                               all significant respects, the audited body had proper
        • apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially
                                                               arrangements to ensure it took properly informed
          inconsistent with , our knowledge of the NHS
                                                               decisions and deployed resources to achieve planned
          Foundation Trust acquired in the course of performing
                                                               and sustainable outcomes for taxpayers and local
          our audit.
        • otherwise misleading.
                                                               Proper arrangements are defined by statutory guidance
        We have nothing to report in respect of these matters.  issued by the National Audit Office and comprise the
                                                               arrangements to:
        RESPONSIBILITIES OF                                    • Take informed decisions;
        ACCOUNTING OFFICER                                     • Deploy resources in a sustainable manner; and

        As explained more fully in the Accountable Officer’s   • Work with partners and other third parties.
        responsibilities statement set out on page 70, the
        Accountable Officer is responsible for the preparation   In considering your proper arrangements, we draw
        of the financial statements and for being satisfied that   on the requirements of the guidance issued by NHS
        they give a true and fair view, and for such internal   Improvement to ensure that our assessment is made
        control as the Accountable Officer determines is       against a framework that you are already required to
        necessary to enable the preparation of financial       have in place and to report on through documents such
        statements that are free from material misstatement,   as your annual governance statement.
        whether due to fraud or error.
                                                               We are only required to determine whether there are
                                                               any risk that we consider significant within the Code of
                                                               Audit Practice which defines as:

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