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2.1.2 Quality Improvements in 2017/18                  2.2.2 Participation in Clinical Audits
        – Progress Update                                      and National Confidential Enquiries

        The key priorities for improvement for 2017/18 were    Clinical Audit is a key aspect of assuring and
        described in the 2016/17 Quality Account and focused   developing effective clinical pathways and outcomes.
        on five priority areas each of which represented an
        improvement aim under the respective Quality domains   National Clinical Audits are either funded by the Health
        as defined in the Quality Strategy, ‘Inspiring Quality’.   Care Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) through
        These were agreed by the Trust Board as:               the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes
                                                               Programme (NCAPOP) or funded through other means.
        1.  Further embed a safety culture throughout the      Priorities for the NCAPOP are set by NHS England with
            organisation                                       advice from the National Clinical Audit Advisory Group
        2.  Increase engagement of children, young people      (NCAAG).
            and families in improving quality and developing
            services.                                          During the reporting period 1st April 2017 to 31st March
        3.  Increase number of defined clinical care pathways   2018, 10 National Clinical Audits and five National
            across our clinical specialties.                   Confidential Enquiries covered NHS services that Alder
        4.  Provide support that will enable our staff to feel   Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust provides.
            valued and respected by the organisation and
            actively contribute to the organisation’s success  During that period Alder Hey Children’s NHS
        5.  Continue to improve the environment to make it     Foundation Trust participated in 100% (10 out of 10)
            work for both patients and staff.                  National Clinical Audits and 100% (5 out of 5) National
                                                               Confidential Enquiries of the National Clinical Audits
        Details of progress against these key priorities from   and National Confidential Enquiries which it was eligible
        2017/18 is provided in Section 3 of this report.       to participate in.
        2.2 STATEMENTS OF                                      The National Clinical Audits and National Confidential
        ASSURANCE FROM THE                                     Enquiries that Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation
        BOARD                                                  Trust was eligible to participate in during the reporting
                                                               period 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018 are contained
                                                               in the table below.
        2.2.1 Review of Services
                                                               The National Clinical Audits and National Confidential
        During 2017/18 Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation     Enquiries that Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation
        Trust provided 42 relevant health services. Alder Hey   Trust participated in, and for which data collection was
        has reviewed all the data available to them on the     completed during the reporting period 1st April 2017 to
        quality of care in all of these relevant health services.   31st March 2018, are listed below alongside the number
        The income generated by the relevant health services   of cases submitted to each audit or enquiry as a
        reviewed in 2017/18 represents 100% of the total       percentage of the number of registered cases required
        income generated from the provision of relevant health   by the terms of that audit or enquiry.
        services by Alder Hey for 2017/18.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          84                           Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89