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National Audit                       Participation % Cases Submitted

         Paediatric Intensive Care (PICANet)      Yes      Submitted 962 cases, which was 100% of cases available.

         Potential Donor Audit                    Yes      Not available at time of publication.
         (NHS Blood and Transplant)
         Pain in Children                         Yes      Submitted 50 cases, which was 100% of cases available.
         (Royal College of Emergency Medicine)
         Acute Care

         Severe Trauma                            Yes      Submitted 238 cases, which is 100% of cases available.
         (Trauma Audit and Research Network)

         Cardiac Arrest (National Cardiac Arrest   Yes     Submitted 14 cases which was 100% of cases available.
         Audit) (NCAA)

         Paediatric Cardiac Surgery               Yes      Submitted 816 cases, which was 100% of cases available.
         (National Institute for Cardiovascular            Data quality score 97.5%.
         Outcomes Research (NICOR
         Congenital Heart Disease Audit)
         Cardiac Arrhythmia                       Yes      Submitted 63 cases which was 100% of cases required for
         (Cardiac Rhythm Management (CRM)                  the audit sample.
         Long Term Conditions

         Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease   Yes      Submitted 408 cases, which was 100% of cases available.
         (National IBD Audit) Biological
         Renal Replacement Therapy                Yes      Data Collection Ongoing. The UKRR (United Kingdom
         (UK Renal Registry)                               Renal Registry) does not yet hold the final figures of
                                                           patients for the 2017/2018 period as data are currently
                                                           being submitted by units at different times.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           85                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90