Page 11 - Nokia Superannuation Booklet
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Making Possibilities Happen | 11

            PSK Financial Services

                  Nokia has appointed PSK Financial Services to provide you with ongoing
                  support and expert guidance on financial decisions relating to your super

                  and insurance benefits.

            PSK can assist you to:                            Who we are:
            •   Understand the range of investment options    PSK is an employer superannuation, group insurance and
                within the company super fund                 financial advice specialist firm.

            •   Nominate your beneficiary/s
                                                              Their expertise is available to assist Nokia employer and
            •   Understand your insurance benefits and assess   employees maximise benefit value and make informed
                adequacy of cover for your circumstances      decisions relating to a range of financial considerations.
            •   Open a Spouse or Family Member Account        PSK is not aligned to any one bank, super fund or financial
                                                              services institution.
            •   Address general queries regarding super,
                insurance and financial planning              They pride themselves on their ability to provide

            •   Navigate rules and changes in legislation     employers and employees with impartial information and
                impacting super and insurance                 analysis on super, insurance and other financial products
                                                              across the marketplace.

                “Our team at PSK Financial                    In addition to support on key decisions relating to

                Services is passionate about                  Nokia employee benefits, PSK is available to assist you
                                                              with investment planning, personal insurance, mortgage
                assisting employers to optimise               advice, retirement planning.
                their staff super, group insurance
                and benefit arrangements on behalf
                of employees and their families.                                    PSK contact:
                We are proud of our personalised                                    Jo O’Brien
                                                                                    Corporate Consultant
                approach in helping employees to                                    PSK Financial Services
                                                                                    P 02 9324 8847
                make informed financial decisions,                                  M 0407 529 093
                maximise the value of company                                       E
                                                                                    Level 6, 44 Market Street,
                benefits and maintain general                                       Sydney NSW 2000
                financial wellbeing”.

                                                                                                 Nokia Internal Use
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