Page 4 - Verge eMag April 2018
P. 4

A Letter from the Editor –

               One Step At a Time

               Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher once said
               the journey of a thousand miles begins with
               a single step.  Our vision for this magazine,
               and  the  Verge  Project  as  a  whole,  is  to
               become  a  one-stop-shop  for  you  when
               seeking  information  and  resources  for
               prepping,  survival,  and  outdoor  adventure
               subjects.    We  have  a  great  team  of
               contributors  with  extensive  backgrounds,
               from  first  responders  to  homesteaders,  pastors  to  cryptocurrency  investors,  Tier  1
               operators  to  accountants,  backpackers  to  ultra-marathoners,  preppers  to  survivalist,
               high school seniors to senior citizens, well, you get the idea...

               All our contributors have  two things in common:  they  are veterans  (or dependents of
               military  members)  and  they  are  unapologetically  Christian.    Since  some  of  our
               contributors  are  still  actively  serving  their  country,  and  request  a  small  social  media
               footprint, all the contributors will write under an alias.

               We pray you enjoy this journey as much as we do, and we hope that you will give us
               constructive feedback on what you would like to see in the upcoming months and years.
               Our motto  is: heavy on  the  research and light  on  the rhetoric.  You will not  find long
               debates  on  politics  or  the  vehicle  that  will  shuttle  in  Armageddon.    You  will  find
               information to prepare you for whatever situation you find yourself in, and how to thrive
               in any environment… not just survive.

               On the next page you will find a list of topics that we will actively add to throughout the
               year and are open to suggestions of topics to add.

               God Bless and Godspeed,

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