Page 6 - Verge eMag April 2018
P. 6

The Spiritual Side of Prepping                                                  III


               As  believers,  Scripture  should  be  our  guide  in  all  things.  While  there  are  no  direct
               passages that tell us to stockpile food and ammo and have a secure bug-out location,
               there  are  principles  in  God’s  Word  that  support  being  prepared  for  whatever  might
               come, no matter how unlikely.

               Matthew 7:24-27

               Many  are  familiar  with  the  story
               of the two builders. The purpose
               of  the  parable  is  spiritual,  but
               there is some real-world wisdom
               in this lesson. It helps drive home
               the  point  when  we  understand
               the cultural context.

               A  common  feature in  wilderness
               areas  around  the  world  is  the
               wadi,  or  dry  wash.  These  are
               large  ditches  that  look  like  they
               used  to  hold  a  lot  of  water.  On
               rare occasions they will fill with flash-flood of water and debris, often supplied from run-
               off or storms hundreds of miles away. The ditch will be overflowing without a cloud in
               the sky.

               In the bottom of the wadi there is loose sand and debris. Back away from the edge of
               the wadi, well out of the reach of any flash flood, the ground is solid rock. The foolish
               man  would build his house in the  wadi; the wise would build his away from potential

               Preparedness  is  a  lifestyle  that  has  at  its  core  being  ready  for  that  which  might  not
               happen. We may never need food stores, defensive tools, or a location to bug out. We
               may never need to use specialized training in advanced  first aid, food scavenging, or
               water purification. But it is much wiser to have it and not need it than to need it and not
               have it.
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