Page 10 - Nov2024Communicator
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          16     TH        AIR FORCE

            Lt Gen Fairfield makes case for MAJCOM status

           An Open Letter to Dr. Frank Kendall III               Secretary of the Air Force recognized the need for
           (Lt Col, USA Ret), Secretary of the Air               cyber to become an arrow in the warriors quiver, but
                                                                 the two-year standup of the Air Force Cyber
           Force and Space Force                                 Command (Provisional) met the same fate as AFCC
                                                                 when that Secretary was removed from office.
           Sir,                                                  In my retirement, I worked together with Gen Tom
                                                                 Moorman to find ways to help the Air Force focus on
           We served together on the staff of the Secretary of   mission integration. His passion was space, mine
           Defense in 1987. Those were exciting times with the   was communication and cyber. Gen Moorman’s
           creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative Office
           and implementation of the Intermediate Range          efforts resulted in all acquisition functions being
           Nuclear Forces Treaty – both programs now             handed to the Space Force leaders. I continue to
           relegated to the ash heap of history.                 espouse having one Major Command accountable
                                                                 for the multifaceted missions that AFCC
           I went on to become the Commander of the Air          accomplished.
           Force Communications Command (AFCC) – an              Secretary Kendall, you went on to continue to serve
           organization that was 48 years old and had over       both in OSD and industries which focused on
           85,000 personnel. Upon assuming command, I was        providing supporting services to meet national
           order to “kill” the command so the Air Force could
           use many of those billets to meet decreasing          objectives. You pursued your engineering studies
           manpower targets. The worldwide mission AFCC          and even earned your Juris Doctoris and worked pro
           had provided to the Air Force was (incorrectly)       bono in that field on human rights issues. You
           assumed to be eligible for outsourcing to emerging    served on multiple public service boards and have
           information technology companies who might            received numerous awards for your contributions to
                                                                 our National defense. You left industry in 2021 to
           provide mission services. AFCC miraculously and       become the 26 Secretary of the Air and Space
           heroically provided critical, innovative support to
           achieve victory in Desert Storm but soon after, our   Force. I was thrilled with this news and have
           senior communication officers’ retired, our rising    watched your innovative, progressive leadership
           junior officers’ and enlisted personnel were shunted  decisions as they addressed current and future
           off to various Major Commands and our tightly         challenges. Supported by the experience and
           monitored career civilian team members were left to   creativity of our Chief of
                                     fend for themselves. I was  Staff, General David
                                                                 Allvin, you have
                                     sent to the Pacific but     announced the standup of
                                     later recalled to the Air
                                     Staff in a move to try to   the Integrated
                                     focus on Air Force wide     Capabilities Command
                                     communication needs,        along with returning Air
                                     but the unexpected          Staff Intelligence and
                                     resignation of our Chief    Cyber Effects
                                                                 organizations (A2 and
                                     and the Air Staff desire to  A6) back into separate
                                     merge the A2/A6             and distinct staff
                                     functions stopped those
                                     intentions. A former        agencies.

           John Fairfield,                                                                Frank Kendall III,
           Lt Gen, USAF                                                                   Secretary of the AF
           (Ret)                                                                          and Space Force

                10 November 2024 Communicator
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