Page 12 - Nov2024Communicator
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Roland “Rocky” Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm.
Gannon was born in After his retirement from the Air Force in 1980, he
Palermo, NJ, on March first served as an International Aviation Consultant in
8, 1925. He was born on Washington D.C., traveling worldwide. Rocky and
the kitchen table in a Bert decided to be close to family and moved to
house that did not have Florence, SC. Rocky was appointed as a Commissioner
electricity or running on the Florence City/County Airport Commission for 2
water. He grew up in years. He then served as Executive Director of the
Ocean City, NJ, the Florence Regional Airport for 6 1/2 years, retiring in
youngest of five children. 1993. In 1986, he and Bert chose Darlington, SC, as
He passed away their forever home. Rocky served two terms as
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Chairman of the Darlington County Jetport
at the age of 99 years. Commission.
He passed quietly and He was active in his community, serving on nine
peacefully in his sleep, boards and commissions. He was an Eagle Scout and a
surrounded by family. recipient of the Boy Scouts of America's Silver Beaver
Rocky left the morning Award. He served as President of the Pee Dee Area
of his Junior Prom on Council for two years. In 2009, he received Scouting's
May 12, 1943, for Army highest honor, the "Distinguished Eagle Award." In
Air Corps Pilot Training. 2016, he received his local Scout Council's
He was 17 years old. For "Distinguished Citizen Award" honoring his 80 years
the next year he took in Scouting. In 2001, he was named the South
college courses and Carolina "Aviator of the Year" and was inducted into
completed several the South Carolina Aviation Hall of Fame.
different aviation schools. As his High School He was also inducted into three US Air Force Halls
classmates were graduating, he was a 19-year-old of Fame: the Flight Safety Hall of Fame in 1974, the
aircraft commander/pilot of a B-17 Flying Fortress Cyber Operations and Support Hall of Fame in 2019,
Bomber, having never driven a car or gotten a driver's and the Air Force Cyberspace and Air Traffic Control
license. By age 20, he was flying a B-29, with the rank Association's Hall of Honor in 2019.
of Flight Officer. Rocky is best known for his story-telling, always
At the end of 37 years in the US Army Air Corps and having a tale about his adventures as a Boy Scout or
US Air Force, he had flown 6,000 hours in 34 diverse as an Air Force pilot.
types of aircraft. In addition to WW II, he flew combat He was predeceased by his one true love, his wife of
missions in Korea, the Belgian Congo and 387 combat 71 years, Roberta T. Gause of Kingstree, SC. He is
missions in Vietnam. He served 15 years overseas, survived by his three children, Michael T. Gannon
including 2 Paris Air Shows and 2 years at NATO (Annette), Patricia A. Balaz and Mary B. Gannon-
Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, with CEAC, the Green. He is also the grandfather of 10 grandchildren,
Committee for European Airspace Coordination. He seven great-grandchildren and one great-great
lived in seven different countries. grandson.
During his military career, he flew in and out of over “Rocky was an amazing Airman, Patriot, and friend,”
one hundred countries. He could converse in five said retired Lt Gen Harry Raduege Jr., our
languages. His jobs included being a pilot, a Master Association’s former Chairman and CEO. “His
Air Traffic Controller, and a Communicator. He has 50 obituary reflects much of his story but knowing him
military awards and decorations, including the allowed us to learn his life story and I'm pleased that
Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star, 10 Air we published numerous articles of his extraordinary
Medals, four Meritorious Service Medals and the career and contributions. RIP, Rocky.”
Lt Gen Fairfield makes case for MAJCOM status
An Open Letter to Dr. Frank Kendall III Secretary of the Air Force recognized the need for
cyber to become an arrow in the warriors quiver, but
(Lt Col, USA Ret), Secretary of the Air the two-year standup of the Air Force Cyber
Force and Space Force Command (Provisional) met the same fate as AFCC
when that Secretary was removed from office.
and acquisition disciplines, thus returning to the
the A6 (then Lt Gen’s Bob Ludwig, followed by Carl
Sir, In my retirement, I worked together with Gen Tom As the last AFCC Commander, I reported directly to would have the staff functions to integrate resource
We served together on the staff of the Secretary of Moorman to find ways to help the Air Force focus on O’Berry -– consummate communication central focus that AFCC had of being accountable for
Defense in 1987. Those were exciting times with the mission integration. His passion was space, mine professionals). AFCC had authority over multiple standardization and interoperability of peace and
creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative Office was communication and cyber. Gen Moorman’s reporting units; we had a distinct funding line with wartime systems. Guard and Reserve units with
and implementation of the Intermediate Range efforts resulted in all acquisition functions being acquisition authority; we prioritized command appropriate skills would report to 16 th AF and there
Nuclear Forces Treaty – both programs now handed to the Space Force leaders. I continue to requirements for the Program Objective would be a central focus for the commercial
relegated to the ash heap of history. espouse having one Major Command accountable Memorandum process; we had an Air Force wide industrial base to understand, collaborate and
Inspector General system and we were accountable
support national objectives. Indeed as we have
for the multifaceted missions that AFCC
I went on to become the Commander of the Air accomplished. for the architecture of the Air Force’s terrestrial and demonstrated in the Civil Reserve Air Fleet whose
Force Communications Command (AFCC) – an Secretary Kendall, you went on to continue to serve space systems and joint interoperability. The other members train, equip and organize to support
organization that was 48 years old and had over both in OSD and industries which focused on services followed our organizational structure and military airlift shortages during times of national
85,000 personnel. Upon assuming command, I was providing supporting services to meet national were mystified when AFCC was ordered to stand need, the Air Force could develop a Cyber Reserve
order to “kill” the command so the Air Force could objectives. You pursued your engineering studies down. Augmentation Force which would draw on the
use many of those billets to meet decreasing and even earned your Juris Doctoris and worked pro Sir, I would humbly, but passionately, suggest that expertise of the commercial/industrial sectors to
manpower targets. The worldwide mission AFCC bono in that field on human rights issues. You with the recent organizational announcements, the fulfill the same functions of our airlift partners.
had provided to the Air Force was (incorrectly)
assumed to be eligible for outsourcing to emerging served on multiple public service boards and have Air Force should take one more creative initiative I believe I was assigned to AFCC as I had nine years
information technology companies who might received numerous awards for your contributions to and separate 16 th Air Force from Air Combat working in the Pentagon developing the Air Force’s
provide mission services. AFCC miraculously and our National defense. You left industry in 2021 to Command and give Five-Year Defense Plan
heroically provided critical, innovative support to become the 26 th Secretary of the Air and Space them Major … the Air Force should take one offices. I knew the
achieve victory in Desert Storm but soon after, our Force. I was thrilled with this news and have Command status. The “ more creative initiative and importance of moving
senior communication officers’ retired, our rising watched your innovative, progressive leadership 16 th Air Force has the funds as directed to meet
junior officers’ and enlisted personnel were shunted decisions as they addressed current and future majority of the separate 16 th Air Force from Air unanticipated National
off to various Major Commands and our tightly challenges. Supported by the experience and reporting units they Combat Command and give them objectives. As a Major
monitored career civilian team members were left to creativity of our Chief of need to accomplish Command commander, I
fend for themselves. I was Staff, General David most of AFCC’s Major Command status. was accountable to the Air
sent to the Pacific but Allvin, you have responsibilities. A Force for acquisition and
later recalled to the Air announced the standup of redesignation of the Cyberspace Capabilities Center funding for the systems vital to mission execution.
Staff in a move to try to the Integrated at Scott AFB to report to 16 th Air Force would greatly Our current Chief has unmatched experience in
focus on Air Force wide Capabilities Command assist the activity needed to ensure interoperability these fields, and you, Secretary Kendall, are
communication needs, along with returning Air between mission disciplines. Unfortunately, I’ve uniquely qualified through 53 years of service to our
but the unexpected Staff Intelligence and heard many assert that 16 th AF may be focused on country to understand the logic and simplicity of
resignation of our Chief Cyber Effects “Fort Meade Issues” and not responsive to Air Force what I consider to be these logical next steps.
organizations (A2 and
and the Air Staff desire to A6) back into separate issues. I look forward to continuing to supporting the
merge the A2/A6 and distinct staff Leadership ends disparagement. I’ve seen articles world’s finest Air and Space force led by the world’s
functions stopped those agencies. suggesting the creation of a Joint Cyber Command, most responsible leaders.
intentions. A former yet I would remind those uninformed of the
support to mission effectiveness. The A6, working
John Fairfield, Frank Kendall III, importance of knowing the intricacies of mission Sincerely,
Lt Gen, USAF Secretary of the AF with the Chief Information Office and other related John Fairfield, Lt Gen, USAF Ret
and Space Force
(Ret) staff offices, would coordinate the staff functions and
give organizational direction to 16 th Air Force who
10 November 2024 Communicator Air Force Cyberspace and Air Traffic Control Association 11
12 November 2024 Communicator