Page 22 - Nov2024Communicator
P. 22

Air Force messaging in the ‘50s

          By Jay G Tressler, Major, USAF Ret                     During WWII, many “government girls” were
                                                                working in various locations in the DC area, and
          It was hot under the canvas tents erected outside
                                                                many were housed in three two-story residence halls
          existing barracks at Lackland AFB, TX, in August      erected south of the Arlington Cemetery, an Air Force
          1950. The Korean War had begun on 6/27/50, I had      area that became known as South Area, Fort Myer,
          enlisted in the Air Force on 8/1/50, and along with   but still had an address of Arlington Farms. North
          many other recruits, was assigned to the base to      Area is and has always been a major Army
          complete basic training and then would anticipate     installation. I was billeted in a room in one of these
          going on later to attend a technical school.
                                                                halls with another Private and it wasn’t long before
           We were privates, the AF still using the Army        we had to share that room with two more airmen, as
          ranking system and issuing brown uniforms,            steel bunk beds, replacing the wood-frame beds the
          although using AF insignia. After a few days, it      girls had used, were hauled into the halls by the
          became apparent that even with the tents, Lackland    hundreds. So, at various times certain wings off the
          had exceeded its capacity to adequately house the     main corridors in the residence halls would be
          trainees, so Sheppard AFB at Wichita Falls, TX, was   completely occupied by either men or women. The
          reopened and many of us finished our basic training   women, of course, were Women in the AF (WAF), who
          there. Then, because I had taken a typing class in    were rapidly replacing men at that installation. South
          high school, I was selected for communications center  Area is no longer under AF control, and I believe has
          (teletype) training at F.E. Warren AFB, WY and        reverted to cemetery control for later expansion.
          graduated from there just before Christmas.            Getting to work involved either walking the less
          Orders after graduation sent me to the 1908 AACS      than a mile to the Pentagon during good weather or
          Sq, whose address was listed as Arlington Farms, VA,  taking an AF bus.
          for duty in the HQ USAF Communications Center, in      Duty included working alternate shifts; wartime
          the basement of the Pentagon. (Within a few weeks     combat messages were received at all times so there
          we were redesignated the 1061 USAF Comm Sq and        were no slack periods. Often the operators had to use
          soon after that we reverted to AACS as the 2044 th    their ingenuity to make sense out of semi-garbled
          AACS Sq.) The center consisted of a large torn-tape   messages that had been received over a route that
          (separate tape for each message) teletype relay center
                                                                included radio-teletype transmission, patching up
          (JEP), an adjoining tributary for Pentagon terminal   those messages using off-line systems or requesting
          traffic (JEPHQ) and a room devoted to direct online   reruns from the originator, before sending them
          teletype terminals to locations such as Elmendorf     upstairs to the Staff Message Division (SMD) for
          AFB, Alaska, which terminals had capability to send   further dissemination to the message addressees.
          encrypted messages. I believe we were issued blue      One day, after I had been promoted to Sergeant, I
          uniforms sometime in 1951.
                                                                was informed that, effective immediately, I was to be
                                                                known as an Airman First Class; that, in my opinion,
                                                                was the final separation from Army influence.
                                                                                           Contd on next page

             TSgt Tressler reading a message on
             teletype tape, Goose Bay AB,                 Training session, USAF Comm Center, Pentagon, Dec
             Labrador, 1955.                              1955.

                22 November 2024 Communicator
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