Page 138 - Christian Training Guide
P. 138
Chapter 17
Case studies
From comedians to gamers to beauty vloggers, YouTubers have generally built their
followings outside of the control of media giants, even if they are signing big deals with
those companies. And there is power and independence in having that huge fan base.
To get a closer look into which stars rule YouTube, we looked at the SocialBlade rankings to
see who had the most subscribers.
1. Epic Rap Battles (ERB) — 14.2 million subscribers
Epic Rap Battles of History is one of the most successful YouTube series of all time. What
started as a live improv skit by two friends has become an online sensation. The premise is
simple: Founders Peter Shukoff (NicePeter) and Lloyd Ahlquist (EpicLloyd) pick two
figures from history or pop culture and imagine what it would be like if they faced off in a
rap battle. The videos are highly entertaining, with characters as varied as Darth Vader,
Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln, and Chuck Norris verbally battling one another in full
2. Jacksepticeye — 14.8 million subscribers
Seán William McLoughlin is a 27-year-old Irish game-based YouTube star who initially
came to fame when PewDiePie mentioned him in a video in 2013. Jacksepticeye calls
himself the "most energetic video-game commentator on YouTube" and has trademark
bright green hair.
3. Fine Brother (FBE) — 15 million subscribers
Brooklyn natives Benny and Rafi Fine are two online producer/writer/directors who
created the extremely successful React video series. In React's various iterations (Kids
React, Teens React, Elders React, and YouTubers React), TheFineBros show viral videos to
subjects and film their reactions. Many consider TheFineBros to be two of the first YouTube
stars, but they now have a full-service production company that spans movies and TV as