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P. 139

for  make that Them  use it in their  plans. But  this  patience didn't mean immobility; on the
               contrary, once reconquered the regions in power of the Arabs, the Order launched a campaign
               of occupations in all the country of Huelva, either seating garrisons in fortress and rescued
               cities,  or  building  new  churches  and  fortifying  areas.  The  distribution  of  those  occupations
               would not occur arbitrarily but it obeyed to a rigurous planification, which objectives never lost
               the necessitty to surround the House of Tharsis and conspire against the Pact of Blood. To
               remember only the most important sites  of those deployments it is worthy to  mention the
               cession obtained over the Convent Saint Mary of La Rábida, in Palos de la Frontera, in front of
               Huelva, from which I will talk again. Or the complete possession of Lepe, the ancient Leptia of
               the Romans, situated six kilometres from Catarya, with the clear purpose to control the mouth
               in the River Piedras, from where they suposed that the Lords of Tharsis could navigate secretly.
               Or  the  suspicioius  interest  to  reside  in  the  insignificant  Trigueros,  25  kilometres  from
               Valdeverde del Camino, very near to Turdes, where they constructed a parochial Church that
               still exists: is due to Trigueros, ancient Roman population, is nestled in the middle of a fertile
               and extensive campaign which constituted in remote times the heart of the Iberian Tartessos;
               on its fields, were wisely disseminated tens of dolmens and menhirs, heritage of the Pact of
               Blood, that the Templars were dedicated in those days to destroy prolixly: only one Dolmen was
               saved in the Village de Soto, that can be visited today, due to the Lords Moyano de la Cera, of
               the Blood of Tharsis and traditional candy and honey makers, prevented the Knights of Satan
               to fulfill their infamous mission: the Village de Soto is located 5 kilometres from Trigueros and
               the Dolmen is in the «Cave of Zancarrón de Soto».
                      In the House of Tharsis, as is logic, such movements not passed unnoticed and obeyed
               to the Lords of Tharsis to take some precautions: they fortified also the Village of Turdes and
               the Seignorial Residence, because they believed that the Golem were preparing to outbreak a
               Crusade against them claiming some heresy, perhaps denouncing the Cult of the Virgin of the
               Grotto; and placed themselves in the area a force of five hundred almogavars and fifty Knights
               that was the maximum permitted to arm the Count of Tarseval for other purposes that were
               not Reconquest. Unfourtunatelly nothing of these would be necessary, but the Lords of Tharsis
               didn't achieve, once again, to prevent the diabolic plans of Bera and Birsha.
                      To all this, you will wonder Dr. Siegnagel, what happened woth the Wise Sword, since
               the day in which Tartessos fell and the Vrayas occulted it in the Secret Cavern. The answer is
               simple: it remained in the Cavern all the time, that's to say, for some 1700 years until this
               moment. It was carried out, in this manner, the vow that the Men of Stone made: the Wise
               Sword would not be expossed at the light of the day again until the opportunity to leave not
               appears, until a future Man of Stone could see reflected on the Stone of Venus the Lytic Sign of
               K'Taagar. For it, the Lords of Tharsis established that a Guard had to remain perpetually with
               the Wise Sword, what was not always possible due to only a few Initiates were able to enter in
               the Secret Cavern. As you will remember Dr., the secret entrance was sealed by the Vrunes of
               Navutan since the Age of the White Atlanteans and resulted impossible to localize it by any one
               who was not a Hyperborean Initiate, that's to say, Initiated in the Mystery of the Pure Blood,
               by the Men of Stone, by the Wise Warriors. However, except for a few and obscure periods, the
               House of Tharsis never stoped to produce Inititates capable to perform the Guard of the Wise
                      But they were not such numerous as in the times of Tartessos, when the Cult of the Cold

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