Page 146 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 146

Cave of Odiel, the aspect of the seven personages that were present was glum and sinister: the
               Abbot of Clairvaux, the Great Master of the Temple, and the two Templar Preceptors, were
               involved in a taciturn funereal air; their stillness was such absolute that they would have passed
               as stone statues, if it were not due to the malignat brightness of their eyes revelaed latent life.
                      But  who  would  really  infuse  terror  in  any  unwarned  person  that  would  have  the
               opportunity to witness the scene, were the Immortals Bera and Birsha: they were dressed with
               linen tunics, now hideously stained with the blood of the Noyo, and they were wearing pectorals
               of gold studded in twelve rows of stones of different sort; but what would impress the witness
               would not be the clothings but the fiery of their faces, the hate that sprouted from them and
               which was propagated in the environmet as a mortal radiation; but it musn't has to be thought
               that the hate contracted or twitched the faces of the Immortals: on the contrary, hate was
               natural in them; it could not be distiguished in the countenances of Bera and Birsha a single
               gesture that would indicate by itself the tremendous and inestinguishable hate that they felt
               for the Uncreated Spirit, and to all what oppossed to the plans of The One, due to their own
               were, entire, complete in their expression the Countenaces of Hate. A hate that now would
               charge their sacrificial victims, the offering that Jehovah Satan was claiming.
                      The Ritual, if it is judged by the acts of Bera and Birsha, was rather simple; but if are
               considered the catastrophic effects produced in the House of Tharsis, it would be necessary to
               agree that such acts were the end of deep and complex causes, the unknown manifestation of
               «Ruge de Guiepo». In this way was developed the Ritual: while Bera was sustaining the Dorché
               with the left hand, and the arm outstretched to the level of the eyes, Birsha lifted the head of
               the Noyo taking a handful of hair with the right hand and placing a silver knife on his ear with
               the  left  one;  disposed  in  this  way  the  scene  of  the  ritual,  the  head  of  Godo  de  Tharsis  was
               suspended some few centimetres from the water mirror; then, a simultaneos action, evidently
               prearranged, Bera pronounced a word and Birsha beheaded the Noyo with one skilful slew in
               the throat; really, the extreme of the knife had been supported in the left ear of the Noyo and,
               when  Bera  pronounced  the  word,  he  uttered  a  perfect  curve  that  sectioned  the  throat  and
               concluded  in  the  right  ear:  literally,  the  Noyo  was  beheaded  «from  ear  to  ear»;  the  blood
               gushed  and  then  it  fell  mixing  with  the  water  while  Bera  continued  reciting  other  words
               without moving the Dorché; little by little occurred the first miracle: the water, that was barely
               staining with the blood, started to become red and to spread out until the whole lake seemed to
               be an immense clot; in that moment, a reddish luminosity was emerged from the water in form
               of steam, an intense resplendence, similar to the one that an incandescent oven would emit;
               when all the water was converted in blood, that's to say, when not a single gout fell anymore
               from the exsanguine corpse of Godo de Tharsis, Bera put down the Dorché and signalized to the
               lake while he released a lurid scream: then the colour of the lake turned from red to black and
               its sustance was transformed in a kind of pitch or dark tar; and there conlcuded the Ritual. It
               must  be  added  that  such  substance,  similar  to  the  pitch,  was  nothing  else  than  an  organic
               synthesis of a human corpse, as it would be obtained after a geologic period of evolution of
               millions of years, but accelerated to an instant with the wonderful Power of the Dorché. Such
               black pitch was, then, the essence of the physical death, the last extreme of what has been the
               life and which is potentially written in the message of the blood.
                      But the blood is unique of each Lineage. Due to this the consequence seeked by the black
               magic  of  the  Immortals  consisted  in  the  propagation  of  that  transmutation  to  the  rest

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