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P. 147
members of the Lineage, to those who participated of that damned blood, it means, to the
Lords of Tharsis. Repeating the aforementioned, if it is judged the Ritual of the Immortal
Golem by the catastrophic effects produced in the members of the House of Tharsis, it must be
agreed that it occulted a great secret relating to the power of the sound, the meaning of the
words, and to the function of the Dorché. Because, in the same moment that the lake of blood
changed of colour and aws transmuted in black pitch, the ninety nine per cent of the members
of the House of Tharsis exhaled the last breath: only the Man of Stone survived, it means, those
who had transmuted their human nature with the Power of the Spirit. Of course, within them
was the Noyo and the Vraya, but both too old as to procreate new members of the Lineage.
However, some hundreds of kilometres from there, other Men of Stone were also living
and they would comply with the familiar mission. From the rest of the House of Tharsis, no
one survived to tell it.
The almogavar sentinels who guarded the bivouac of the Count of Tarseval started to
worry when they perceived the buzz; they could not say when it began, but the truth is that it
had been increasing and now filled the whole valley; nevertheless, when it turned audible, the
rude warriors beleived to recognize, extraordinarily, such sound: was the exact tone, the
oscillating sound of a swarm of bees, but amplified tremendously by some unknown and
frightful cause. But the buzz, even being susprisingly abnormal and have gained intensity able
to produce daze, soon was forgotten. The sentinels, in fact, warned that something severe
would happen due to a terrifying scream broke the continuity of such impressive vibration; but,
such scream didn't come from out but from inside of the bivouac and it not consisted of in one
but a multitude of laments that had coincided in one instant: the instant when the water of the
underground lake was transmuted in the blood of the Lords of Tharsis. Then all the members
of the Lineage experienced a scorching heat a thousand times more powerful than the Warm
Fire of the Animal Passion: and they screamed with one voice. But no one would reach to help
them due to minutes later he’d die «in same moment in which the water of the lake turned in
clark pitch».
In a few minutes the buzz ceased completely and a sepulchral silence seized from the
valley. And the madness began for the scarse two hundred survivors from the army of the
Count of Tarseval: all of them were Almogavars native from the region of Braga, that's to say,
of Celtic Race. At the beginning the terror had paralyzed them, but those fearsome warriors
were not susceptible to run in any circumstance; the dawn, instead, surprised them deliberating
grouped in the middle of the encampment: according to the customs, in the absence of the
Lords or Knights, they would choose an Adalid amongst them. That charge fell over a subject
who was as brave in the war as simple-minded out of it, he was known as Lugo de Braga. This
chief was as perplexed as the rest of due to the sudden mortality and, after a prolix inspection
through all the tents and places where the warrior had died, was conluded that the cause of the
evil was an unknown pestilence: the corpses, in fact, not presented at the moment any sign
which could reveal what type of had caused the death, but, what doubts existed that it was
about a pestilence? Only a pestilence, according to the criterion of the Age, was able to kill in
that manner! Naturally, in the Middle Ages the pestilence was feared as the worst enemy, apart
of those that the Lords signalized as such and had to be faced.
The soldiers would have escaped then, but they could not abandon with impunity the
presence of so many Nobles nor the Count of Tarseval due to they would be persecuted through