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hold the symbol of the Dove will not be touched by the Pestilence!
                      –And what will come after the Pestilence, which will be the last plague?
                      –The  complete  destruction  of  Mankind  in  a  Sea  of  Sulphur  and  Fire!  –sustained
               categorically the Abbot of Clairvaux, undoubtedly inspired by the speech of the Immortals.
               Bera  clarified  the  meaning  that  should  be  attributed  to  those  answers  extracted  from  the
               Apocalypse of Saint John.
                      –Think over it, Priests, about these prophecies and what you have seen us making in this
               Cave: there will appear the Secret of the Supreme Holocaust. The Water, the Blood, the Warm
               Fire, the Death, the Pitch, the Pestilence, We: here's the Mystery. About how the Curse of
               Jehovah God, which is our weakness, can be our Strength. That was and that will be. If you
               have understood us you will make Your words that Jeremiah uses to whom are apart of the
               Law: they represent our Strength over the Gentiles!
                      –«Thus saith Jehovah; to whom are out of the Law: the captivity, the famine, the sword,
               the Pestilence» [Jer. 15]. –The Countenance of the Rabbi Benjamin shined when he repeated
               the four forms of the Curse of Jehovah, because now the words of the Prophet were full of new
                      –And you will know then –continued imperturbable Bera– what is our real weakness,
               Mystery that the Gentiles must never comprehend.
               And Benjamin added the forthcoming words of Jeremiah:
                      –«Jehovah Admitted to  the people  of Israel about the  four clases  of evil, before they
               would be weak: Becareful with the Sword, It can Kill; and the Dogs, they can tear; and Fowls in
               the Sky, they can devour; and the Beasts in the Earth, they can annihilate» [Jer. 15].
                      –Thus is written! –approved Bera.
                      –And  against  such  weakness  we  possess  for  remedies,  that  the  Gentiles  must  never
               know–completed Birsha:

                                       Against the Sword, the Peace of the Gold
                                       Against the Dogs, the Illusion of the Rage
                                      Against the Fowls, the Illusion of the Earth
                                    Against the Beasts, the Illusion of the Heaven.

                      That was more than mysterious, and the Priests remained momentarily mired in deep
               reflections. The Great Master of the Temple, notwithstanding, who until now had been quiet,
               was thinking in other thing:
                      –Oh,  Tzadik!  –He  said–.  Your  explanations  contitute  the  Brighter  Light  for  our
               understanding and many of us appreciate the privilege of hearing them. I’d not want to abuse
               of the favour that you have dispensed us, asking for clarifications that perhaps you musn't give;
               but I can't stop telling that our heart would be full of joy if you could talk something else about
               the Stone of Fire.
                      –You say well, Priest; the Stone of Fire contains a very big Mystery. I will talk about it,
               but we will be brief, because it is time to return to the East. –Was evident that Birsha was
               speaking in an allegorical key, because the Immortal would not leave until the next day–. But

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