Page 159 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 159

they don’t permit to realize copies of it and only authorize to the highest Rabbis and Initiates
               of the Kabbalah a visual contact, being condemned with the ritual death any representation or
               reproduction  after  about  the  observed.  However,  apart  that  israelite  exemplar,  there  is

               another copy of the Sepher Icheh: is the one that was kinapped by the Inquisitor Richard
               «The  Cruel»,  Richard  de  Tarseval,  that's  to  say,  the  father  of  Lito  de  Tharsis,  and  that  he
               brought to America in 1534. It is a quite reliable replica of the Templar book, dated in Granada
               1333, that's to say, after the dissolution of the Order, and surely copied from the original that
               the Golems and Rabbis carried when they escaped from France. From that granadine edition,
               which for centuries has remained in a chest of our house in Tucumán, is the facsimile of the
               page 12 the attached one for the better comprehension of the descriptions of Bera and Birsha.

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