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left under his feet» [II Samuel 22,10].
Ninth: in the Sanctuary of the Temple: YHVH said unto me: «This gate shall be shut.
It shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it, because the YHVH God of Israel hath
entered in by it; therefore it shall be shut» Ezekiel 44,2]
Tenth: He will come in the Age of Gog and Magog: «Then YHVH shall go forth, and
fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of the Battle (of the Atlantis). His feet
shall stand upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of
Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the East and towards the West, and there shall
be a very great valley: the half of the mountain shall remove towards the North, and the other
half towards the South. And YHVH shall be King over all the earth: in that day YHVH shall be
one, and his Name shall be unique. All the land shall be turned as a plain, from Geba to
Rimmon, that's to say, Granada, in the Negev. But Jerusalem shall prevail» [Zechariah 14,3].
–And one time amongst the Chosen People! –added the Abbot of Clairvaux:
Eleventh: on the Messiah: «And Jesus, once he was baptized, went up straightway out of the
water: and, lo, the Heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of YHVH descending
like a Dove, coming upon him: and, lo, a voice from heaven, saying, 'This is my beloved Son,
in whom I have pleased'» [Matthew 3, 16].
–Take note then, of the other two more times in which the Shekhinah will
descend to the Earth! –Suggested Bera–. The Eleventh, that the Abbot has mentioned, is
signed with the letter Aleph (1), which reigns the essence of the Air: it was a pneumatic
descend, symbolized by the fowl of the Standard of Israel. It means that Christianity
constitutes a Holocaust of Air for YHVH Shaddai:
The Twelfth, that now we announce you, will occur in the Baulder of Saturn, in
Rus Baal, before Quiblón, when Quiblón seek there the intelligence of the Great
Mother Binah: that will be a descent signed by the letter Mem (13), which expresses
the essence of the Water. That means that the Discovery of Quiblón will constitute a
Holocaust of Water for YHVH Shaddai.
And the Thirteenth, will occur during the World Government of the Chosen
People, then the Shekhinah will descent on the Messiah, before Israel; and the
Messiah will be One with Israel; and Israel will be One with the Shekhinah; and Israel
will be One with YHVH; and Israel will be YHVH: blessed be the Mystery of Israel!;
and Israel Shekhinah will end as always with all the Gentiles, and with two-thirds of its
own blood, propitiating the Judgement of Din of Elohim Gibor, the rigorous
Judgement of Geburah; and Israel Shekhinah will comply the Sentence of YHVH
Sebaoth, which has been already pronounced in Heaven: that will be a descent
characterized by the letter Sin (21), that defines the essence of the Fire. It means
that the Sentence of the Judgement of Din, the Final Judgement, will constitute a
Fire Holocaust for YHVH Shaddai.
The four Priests attended with boundless interest the words of the Immortals, but who
was more impressed was the Great Master of the Temple, direct responsible of the occupation