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refers to the Mystery of the Original Couple of the Uncreated Spirits. Frya, apart of being his
               Wife,  is  «Sister»  of  Navutan,  to  whom  the  Greek  Priests  of  the  Cultural  Pact  equated  to
               Demeter,  the  Goddess  who  gave  to  Men,  for  first  time,  the  Plant  of  the  Wheat,  the
               Keeper  of  the  Seed.  Thenceforth  it  is  said  that  never  to  a  Son  of  Demeter,  to  whom  she
               would have conceived being Virgin in Venus, that's to say, in the Olympus, as I already related
               the  Twelfth  Day.  Her  Spiritual  Son,  Navutan,  who  auto-crucified  himself  in  the  Tree  of  the
               Terror, the Pomegranate of Life, to discover the Secret of the Death, and would be his Wife
               Frya who would resuscitate him revealing with her dance the Secret of the Life and Death. For
               this  reason  the  legends  only  mention  Frya-Persephone  whose  name  was  very  ingrained
               amongst the populations of the Pact of Blood, and they cast the veil of taboo over the Feat of
               Navutan: the Swarthy Atlanteans, and the Priests of the Cultural Pact, wanted to hide by every
               means, the posterior legacy that the resurrected Great White Chief made unto men, i.e, the
               Mystery of the Labyrinth.
                      Was Navutan, in fact, the real inspirator of the Mystery of the Labyrith, in whose course
               was  administered  to  the  Hyperborean  Initiates  a  sign  called  Tyrodinguiburr,  formed  with
               Uncreated Vrunes. Such sign permitted, to the incarcerated Spirit, to wake up and orientate
               towards the Origin, finding the exit of the Labyrinth of the Illusion in which was strayed.
               Nevertheless, as in the case of the Feat of Navutan, the exit could be never found by the Hero
               with absence of his Original Couple: in other way he can die, espiritually, after the nine nights
               hanging from the Tree of Terror. Thereby in that the cultural humbug of the Priests wanted
               Ama-Demeter,  to  search  for  Frya-Persephone  for  nine  nights.  Who  guides  her,  finaly,  is
               Hecate,  with  whom  she  coincided  in  a  crossroad  of  paths,  it  means,  in  the  interior  of  a
               Labyrinth: Hecate is then, a general representation of what Frya would be individually for
               Navutan: the Original Couple. For the ancient Greeks, in all the crossroads of paths was Hecate,
               pleased to orientate the lost journeyman towards his better destiny, symbol that, as it is seen,
               came from far away. Notwithstanding this Wonderful Goddess, to whom tricepahlous statues
               were erected, that indicated the triple nature of the White Man, Physical, Soul, and Uncreated
               Spirit, she was finally converted in a Goddess of the Sorcery and Witch, consequence, of course,
               of the Cultural Pact.
                      Naturally, the «rapture» of Frya-Persephone is a spiritual rapture realized by Herself to
               resuscitate her Husband, it means, in the impulse of a sacred ecstasy. Zeus-Lucifer, allegedly
               the Father of the own Navutan, and Hades-Vides, the Lord of K'Taagar, are the «Sages of the
               Age»  to  whom  She  asks  about  the  manner  to  save  his  Husband.  And  the  counsel  that  she
               received from them was what make her decide to go down the Hell of Illusion, the Homeland of
               the «spiritually Dead», it means, to the Earth, the World of the Asleep Men. And, it is known,
               that who «eats» from the Illusion, who let enter inside of Himself the Great Deceit of the One,
               remains chained forever in the Matter, unable to return to the Origin, lost in the Enchanted
               Labyrith of the Warm Life. However, Frya had not tasted the Forbidden Fruit, was free to go
               back,  if  she  wanted,  to  the  Origin,  keeper  of  the  Secret  of  the  Death:  was  her  decision  to
               resuscitate Navutan, revealing by means of the dance, the knowledge of the Kâlachakra Key.
                      But,  for  it,  she  had  to  believe  in  the  Death,  she  had  to  eat  a  grain  of  the
               Pomegranate and become a Partridge, she had to transcend the Mask of the Death and
               reach to the end of Navutan's being. And Navutan, when he saw the Death Head-on, he
               awakened and understood the Death, resurrecting then and revealing to the Asleep Man the
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