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in  the  Heart,  Tiphereth:  Agdistis,  now  converted  in  woman,  falls  in  love  with  Attis  as  also
               Cybele,  with  whom  she  has  to  dispute  the  favors  of  the  Beauty  God.  Evidently,  Attis  is  a
               Phrygian  Adonis,  a  representative  of  the  Beauty  of  YHVH  in  the  Heart,  pretended
               simultaneously by Great Mother Binah-Cybele and by Tiphereth Agdistis-Aphrodite.
                      But the Phrygian Myth contains more details. Attis, mad for Agdistis, castrates herself
               and dies, due to the mutilation, during the Cult of Cybele. The Goddess buries him and plants
               on her tomb an Almond-tree. Attis was, then, a eunuch and sodomite, signed by the symbols of
               the Pomegranate and the Almond, what clearly proves that the origin of the Myth is Hebrew.
                      Remember,  Dr.  Siegnagel,  on  the  other  hand,  that  the  Jacobins  who  developed  the
               French  Revolution,  whose  Chiefs  were  Jews  and  Golem,  identified  themselves  with  the
               Phrygian hat, that’s to say, the hat of the Priests of Phrygia, which has form of crannied
               foreskin to indicate the sodomite character of the Priests of the Great Mother Cybele-Binah,
               the «Goddess of Reason» of the encyclopedists.
                      Must  not  surprise  at  this  point,  that  Dionysius  Sebacio  was  a  God  of  the  Barley  as
               Jehovah, who castrated Agdistis after he drunk him with wine of barley. Jehovah had sanctified
               the Saturday, the day that in all the Mediterranean was dedicated to the Cult of Saturn and to
               which  was  dedicated  the  Pomegranate.  Saul,  the  first  King  of  Israel,  consecrated  the
               Kingdom, Malkhouth, the Pomegranate which represented to YHVH. Dionysius, the one of the
               bull's feet and boots, was a hobble God, as the Minotaur, as hobbling was the Dance of the
               Labyrinth that they practiced, and that they still dance, the male partridges. This Dance was
               performed by the Hebrew Priests of Baal Tammuz Adonis in times of Elijah, IX century B.C.:
               «And the Priests took the bullock which was given to them, and after they prepared it,
               they called on the name of Baal Tammuz Adonis from morning until noon, saying: O
               Baal, hear us!. But there was no Voice, nor Answer. Meanwhile They danced hobbling
               next to the altar which they had made» [Kings 18, 26].
                      The  Hebrew  word  Pesach,  which  designates  the  Easter,  means  precisely  «hobbling
               dance», because such festivity was the same than the one of Baal Adonis, the God Rimmon who
               was killed by a Wild Boar: this identity is the origin of the prohibition to eat hog meat in the
               Saturdays. Also, the Levitical tradition decreed that the Easter lamb, the victim of the holocaust
               of the Easter, had to be served over a platter of Pomegranate's wood.
                      The pomegranate was the only fruit that could be introduced in the Sancta Sanctorum
               and the Supreme Priest, to make the annual entrance in the Temple, it had sewn on his ephod
               little tassels of pomegranate's form. The roll of the Torah was wrapped up in a stick called Es
               Chajim,  i.e.,  The  Tree  of  the  Life,  which  was  topped  on  each  extreme  with  two  carved
               pomegranates. And the octuple candelabrum, Chanukah, possesses a pomegranate crowning
               each  arm,  in  which  Yod  shines,  the  Eye  of  YHVH.  The  septuple  candelabrum,  on  its  part,
               Menorah, has seven shafts of Almond's Flower, that evokes the institution of the Priesthood
               of Aaron, when the Almond's rod flourished, that Moses gave him: «And occurred that, on
               the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness, and the rod of Aaron, of the
               House  of  Levi  was  budded,  and  brought  forth  buds,  and  bloomed  blossoms,  and  yielded
               almonds»  [Numbers  17,  8].  To  perpetuate  the  remembrance  of  this  miracle,  YHVH  said:
               «Thou shalt make a Candelabrum of pure gold; of work beaten out with the hammer
               shall the Candelabrum be made. Its shaft, branches, bowls, knops, and flowers shall

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