Page 174 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 174

replaced by another. In consequence, we also command you, to implant in all the necessary
               places the New Cult of the Virgin of Miracles: She will illuminate with Her Warm Fire
               the  Shades  that  the  Intruder  shed!  When  the  Gentiles  give  their  Hearts
               unconditionally, the Intruder will be forgotten, the remembrance of her abomination
               will be obscured, and the Earth will be purified: then, and only then, the Shekhinah
               will descend in Rus Baal!
                      –But that Cult already exists! –Interrupted the Great Master of the Temple–.Precisely in
               La Rábida is worshipped the Virgin of Miracles, the ancient Proserpine  de Palos, Lady of the
                      –You are wrong, Priests! –Assured Bera, smiling horribly–. I am referring to a New Cult
               that will also replace the one that you are mentioning: the Cult of the Great Mother
               Binah,  to  whom  you  will  advocate  as  Virgin  of  Miracles  to  avoid  that  the  Gentiles
               suspect the substitution, but who will receive many Sacred Names, only knew by the
               Initiated Priests, Golem and Rabbis. I am referring to the Virgin of Pomegranate,

                                                Or The Virgin de la Cinta
                                                Or The Virgin de la Barca
                                           Or The Virgin of the Earthen Child
                                            Or The Virgin of the Warm Fire

                      –Bring Priests, bring now the sculptor monk that you have brought from France!
                      The Abbot of Clairvaux went out hasty from the library, and one instant later he was
               entering  followed  by  a  humble  Cistercian  monk,  who  was  carrying  in  his  hands  a  scroll  of
               parchment and a smut of charcoal. The monk stopped before Bera, followed by the Abbot, and
               contemplated terrified the diabolic countenance of the Immortal.
                      –Listen well, miserable!  –Snapped Bera with  his eyes  full of hate–. I will make you a
               warning: about what you'll see in this place, you'll never talk with no one. You will comply with
               your work and then you will cloister forever in an enclosed Monastery. And you don't dare to
               disobey our mandate because the Earth will be small to hide your betrayal! However, we don't
               trust  you  and  you  will  be  watched  day  and  night  since  now.  But  you  must  know,  mortal
               creature, that not even  Death  could save you from Us, because to the  own  hells we'll go to
               punish you! Have you understood the risks that you run?
                      The  poor  monk  had  thrown  himself  to  the  ground,  to  the  feet  of  Bera,  and  he  was
               trembling as a frightened dog. –« I’d never d...dare to betray you»  –He was babbling,
               without lifting the gaze from the feet of Bera, without daring to see again the mortal threat of
               his eyes.
                      –You better be telling the truth –Said with irony such King of the Lie, that was Bera–
               .Get up, dog! –He ordered with rudeness– and watch the page of this open book.
               What do you see on it?
                      The four Priests looked each other, astonished because the Immortals were showing to
               the  sculptor  monk,  who  was  neither  Theologian  nor  Kabbalist,  and  much  less  an  Initiate,  a
               secret draw of the Sepher Icheh.

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