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kadisha, or even more, the Ancient of the Days atika deatikim. He seats on the Throne and
even He reaches alone to Metraton, who descends some time amongst men, as he spake with
Moses in the Sinai, and guided them to the Ancient of the Days. Is what said to Moses –«I Am
Who I Am», Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [Exodus 3, 14]. The Power of Ehyeh is extended directly
over the Seraphim, Haioth Hakadosch, that's to say, Holy Souls, Constructor Angels of the
From Kether emerges the second of the Sephiroth, the Sephirah Hokhmah, the Wisdom
of Yah, the Father God. The Hokhmah is the Divine Thought of all the entities: there is nothing
that already existed, exists, or will exist, that was not before in potency in the Hokhmah; many
are the grains of this Fruit, Father of all the fruits of the Earth. This same Image of the
Tree Rimmon is product of the Sephirah Hokhmah, which in this case reveals to itself. Who is is
present in the Hokhmah, and introduce men in the sphere of the Father, is Raziel, the Angel
who wrote for Adam in the First Book of the Law.
But the Wisdom of the Father crosses the duct dahat and is reflected in Binah, the
Third Sephirah, which Divine Intelligence is necessary to fulfill the creation of the thought
entities, Binah is the Great Universal Mother: for Her the Wisdom of the Father produces the
fruits of the World and the content of the Worlds. The Warm Fire of his Universal Love floods
the Ether Avir and transmits to all the Worlds the Intelligence of YHVH Elohim, the third
Aspect of The One. Under his Power are the energic Angels Aralim who acts in the sphere of
Saturn, but the main Angel, the one who communicates men with the Divine Mother, is
Zaphkiel, who was guider of Noah, the great navigator: Binah is, thereby, Lady of the
–Kether, Hokhmah and Binah constitute the Great Countenance of the Elder, Arikh
Anpin: the seven Sephiroth of Construction that remain form, the Small Countenance of God,
reflection of the Great Countenance and first access to The One that men can obtain starting
from any created thing.
–The next Sephiroth are Numerations which emanated from the essential Trinity
Kether, Hokhmah and Binah: Hoesed and Netsah that are at the rights of the Tree Rimmon,
they are male as the Father; Din and Hod, female as the Mother, fructify from the left of the
Pomegranate. In the central column of a trunk, grows the neutral fruits, that synthetizes the
opposites of the two successive trinities: Din, Tiphereth, Hoesed, creator and productive,
and Hod, Yesod, Netsah, executer and concentrator of the entities. At last, in the centre is
Malkhouth, the Kingdom, that reflects to Kether, The Crown, and the synthesis manifests
the Form of the Ancient of the Days: for the Kingdom descends the Shekhinah to the Earth,
and the Kingdom of God will be concentrated in the Earth when the Shekhinah takes the form
of the Chosen People, Governed by the King Messiah.
The fourth Sephirah is, thereby, Hoesed, the Grace of Elohai, His Mercy and Piety. Is
The Right Hand of YHVH and under His Power are these creatures of the Heavens called
Dominions or Hasmalim, which act in the sphere of Jupiter. The main Angel is Zadkiel,
which guides out of Abraham.
The fifth Sephirah is Din, the Rigor of Elohim Gibor. From this fruit comes the Law of
God, and its grains are the Sentences of His Tribunal: every human act, and every entity of the
Creation, must submit to the Judgement, of Geburah, of Elohim Gibor. Is The Left Hand of