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P. 176

a gesture of the right hand, while in the left he sustained a sphaera orbis terrae. Both, the
               Mother and Child, were crowned: the Mother was wearing a Queen's Crown, that the sculptor
               annotated, which had to constructed of pure gold; and the Child had over a hoop of silver in
               halo, three almond's flowers proportionally separated: from the sixth petal of each flower,
               sprouted nine rays, symbol of the Nine Powers of the Messiah. To the feet of Virgin, divers
               symbols, as snails and fishes, indicated the marine nature of the devotion: She by herself was
               situated over the waves.
                      –We will trust in you up to a point, although you will be watched –Threatened Birsha,
               after he examined the sketch–. We like what you have seen and what you want to do. You are
               fortunate, Lamb of God! Now go back to your cell, you have much to pray for and meditate.
                      Moments later the six of them were gathered before the Sepher Icheh.

                      What was the vision of the monk, O Immortals? Certainly that was not the figure of the
               page lamed, –Asked the Abbot of Clairvaux.
                      –Certainly not, –answered Birsha– Bera made the sculptor to eat a grain of this fruit –
               and he signalized the Pomegranate Binah.
                      –In fact; –Confirmed Bera– we have allowed the monk to peek into the Seventh Heaven,
               the  Palace  where  the  Messiah  dwells,  and  the  Divine  Couple  of  the  Aspects  of  YHVH  that
               reigns  the  Seventh  Heaven:  the  Mother  Binah,  shedding  the  creator  Intelligence  of  YHVH
               Elohim with the Warm Fire of His Love; and the Blow of YHVH is the Soul of the Messiah, the
               Child whose Form is Metraton, whose horse is Araboth, the clouds, whose round is realized
               over the waters of Avir, the Ether, an whose manifestation is the Shekhinah, the Descent of
               YHVH onto the Kingdom. We have done this because we needed to represent such vision over
               a First Stone, and to exhibit it in La Rábida, to replace the statue of Bishop Macarius that the
               Templar  guarded.  The  carving  will  be  realized  in  secrecy  and,  when  it  is  finished,  you  will
               substitute it with the major discretion. It will be affirmed then, with more emphasis than ever,
               that the same is work of the Evangelist, that the own Saint Luke carved in the I century. It is
               important to do it in this way because Quiblón, someday will reach to Rus Baal to confirm the
               key,  that  will  be  S.A.M.,  it  means,  Shekhinah,  Avir,  Metraton,  the  universal  key  of  the
               Messiah: for the new image of the Virgin of Miracles, he will know that there will be manifested
               the Shekhinah you gift it with the Verb of Metraton through Avir, the Ether.
                      As you know, this image of the Sephirotic Rimmon Tree, symbolizes to Adam llaah, the
               Man  of  Above,  also  called  Adam  Kadmon,  the  Primordial  Man,  i.e.,  the  Human  Form  of
               YHVH, which is reproduced in Adam Harishon, the terrestrial man. In the fruits of the Divine
               Pomegranate  of  Life  are  the  ten  archetypal  Names-Numbers  with  which  He  adopted  the
               aforementioned Form  and  gave  existence  to  all  the  created  entities.  These  Names-Numbers
               called Sephiroth are the nexus between the Unity of YHVH and the plurality of the entities:
               for YHVH, the Sephiroth are identical and one with The One; for the World, the Sephiroth are
               different and give existence to the multiple that constitute the reality. Seen from the World, by
               Us, the Created Beings, the Ten Sephiroth emanate successively from The One without dividing
               it, and springs from the Tree Rimmon.
                      The first fruit is Kether, the Crown of Ehyeh, the essential Aspect of YHVH: beneath
               the Kether is the Throne of God, the Highest of the Creation. Kether is the Saint Elder, atika

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