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who dethrones the Kings» and not «The King of Zedek» as we have made believe to the
Gentiles. Melchizedek, and those who belongs to his Order, must destroy every false Kingdom
and King ere the real Kingdom of YHVH be reproduced in the Earth, Malkhouth, with the
World Government of the Chosen People.
However, Priests, the Plan of God has been disturbed and now will be necessary to
sacrifice the men of clay in a Fire Holocaust, the End of Time, justly when the Temple be
erected and the Kingdom be realized in the Shekhinah of Israel: as we assure you, the Fire
Stone, which was a Pure Archetype in the Beginning of Time, was multiplied, without losing its
singularity in The One that characterizes to all the Sephiroth: and each Stone of Fire, identical
to the one of the Beginning, was a Soul that would reach the perfection at the End, when all
would be One with The One; the men of clay would reach in this form to be Stone of Fire,
similar to Metraton: for it only should comply the Law and travel through Time towards the
End, where is the Perfection. But was there when They, the Seraphim Nephilim, creators of the
White Fraternity, engraved the Abominable Sign in the Stone of Fire over which each Soul
of the men of clay is seated. And Abominable Sign cooled the Stone of Fire, Aben Esch, and
removed it from the End. Therefore, Priests, the Stone that must be cleaned with pitch
at the End, is the Cold Stone that would not be where it is, due to it was not placed in
the Beginning by the Creator One.
Damn Stone, Stone of Scandal, Seed of Stone: They placed it after the Beginning in the
Soul of the men of clay and now it is in the Beginning. Time is the constant stream of the
Consciousness of The One: between the Beginning and the End of Time is the Creation; and
at the End of Time is the Perfection of the Soul as Stone of Fire. Is the Will of YHVH that the
Soul reaches the Final Perfection according to the model of Metatron. But now the Soul can't
see the Cold Stone that is sunk in it. Not perceives it until it crosses its path and becomes in
Stumbling Stone for the Soul, in an insurmountable Obstacle to reach the Good of the Final
Perfection. Without the Seed of Stone in the Soul of the men of clay would have not existed Evil
nor Hate for the Creation, the evolution would have been realized by the Force of the Love to
the Creator, the Final Perfection would have been assured for every Created Soul: now that
Plan of YHVH will be impossible to be accomplished, and the Judgment of Din the Ancient of
the Days determines that only those who reach the Good of the Final Perfection, in any Time,
will reach alive to the End of Time; instead, those contaminated by the Evil, the men of clay
whose souls incubate, even unknowing it, the Seed of Stone, will be dissolved and converted in
pitch, to clean with it the Abominable Sign in the Stone of Fire.
–Yes, Priests: –Continued Birsha– Ehyeh created all beings, included the Stone. He
extracted it from the Warm Fire and because of this he designed it as «Stone of Fire». And he
puts all the Created Beings in the Becoming of Time, which is his Flowing Consciousness:
because before the Beginning not existed nothing except the ineffable Supreme Being. The
Spirit of The One went out at the Beginning of the Ein Sof, the Actual Infinite, which
represents the nought for all the Created Souls. Thus The One, who also appeared from that
naught, brought all the Created Beings from there, the first of them was the Warm Fire, created
the first Day: giving in this way Beginning to the Time. The Souls of the men of clay, created
after, started to evolve thenceforth, in direction to the Final Perfection. But that evolution was
very slow. To accelerate it the Seraphim Nephilim came with the consent of The One; also