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And would be those condemned Lineages by YHVH, especially the ones that emerged
               from the White Race, the ones that would never forget the Origin, the ones that would try to
               germinate the Seed of Stone in all the earthen men, which would unbind the rebellion against
               the Law of YHVH and the hate for the Creation. Thus was reached inevitably to the Battle of
               the  Atlantis,  which  ended  with  a  planetary  catastrophe.  However,  the  greatest  Evil  not
               happened yet: this one overcame because of Lucifer and that Woman, the Intruder Ama,
               who was capable to enter in the sphere of Venus and to obtain the Secret of the Seeds of Stone.
                      Yes Priests: the Seraphim Lucifer gave to the Intruder the Spikes of the Seeds of Stone
               that until then was only possessed the Seraphim Nephilim. And with his return the Greatest
               Evil fell over the earthen men, because The Intruder chose the bravest ones and started to plant
               in their hearts the Seed of Stone that turns off the Warm Fire of the Animal Passion, the Love
               of the Great Mother Binah: each Seed of Stone would be one Wise Warrior, a Man of Stone
               situated  out  of  the  Law  of  YHVH,  instead  of  the  Name  identical  to  Metraton  which  was
               destined to be at the End of Time. With her indescribable act, The Intruder, the Virgin of
               Agartha, offended profoundly to the Great Mother Binah, to whom she snatched the
               Love of many Sons: for this reason the Land of Huelva must be purified, that for many
               centuries  has  been  dedicated  to  an  Impius  Cult.  Only  in  this  way  will  descend  the
               Shekhinah in Rus Baal.
                      She, Priests, is Our Most Powerful Enemy, her Evil is above all the evil; her Hostility for
               the Creation, surpass any Man of Stone; her Courage to face the One overpass the bravest Wise
               Warrior: before Her, and her Infinite Mystery, all tremble of Terror; and behind the Terror and
               the Death, will only survive the Uncreated Spirits, who are of the same Hyperborean essence.
                      She returned from Venus, carrying the Spike of the Seeds of Stone and bringing in her
               belly the Demon of the War, Navutan, her Uncreated Son. All was a conspiracy of the Seraphim
               Lucifer: He wanted that Ama to have a Child of Stone, a Son that would be at the head of the
               White Race and would found for his members a Mystery; and that the Initiates in that Mystery
               could obtain the Immortality and receive in their Hearts the Seed of Stone of the Virgin of
                       –Look at the Sepher Icheh! –Ordered Bera, to whom this part of the History produced a
               strange mix of Hate and Terror–. Here Navutan crucified Himself, –He signalized the branches
               that ranged from the trunk unto the Pomegranates Housed and Din–. The Ace was tied from
               the Right and Left Arm of the Holy Elder, under his Great Countenance and without realizing
               that the Stone of Fire, Aben Esch, was hanging over his head, Nine nights agonized in the Cross
               of Rimmon until Frya, a Female Demon as terrible as Ama, went out from eye and found out
               the Secret of the Death. But, to reveal it to Navutan, who had just died, she had to eat a grain
               of the pomegranate Hokhmah and became a partridge: the she performed for Navutan the
               lame dance that allows to go out from the Labyrinth of the Illusion of the Death; however, such
               food incarcerated her to the Illusion, as Persephone, and she couldn't return to the Origin from
               where she had came to save his Husband. Thus Frya, a new Enemy of the Creation, remained
               with Vides, the Lord of Agartha, the refuge of the Uncreated Demons, and with Navutan his
               Husband, to carry out the Essential War against The One. Navutan, by his part, resuscitated
               and revealed to the members of his Race the Secret of the Death through the Mystery of the
               Labyrinth, in which course the Initiates receive in their hearts the Seed of Stone of the Virgin
               of Agartha and can become Man of Stone. Disciples of Navutan were the White Atlanteans,
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