Page 187 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 187

When Noso approached to the Altar, who was sure that he came first, he warned amazed
               a mutilation in the statuette of the Child of Stone: someone had dissected the hand of stone
               that  expressed  the  Bala  Vrune.  But  that  was  not  the  moment  to  solve  the  enigma.  Noyo
               wrapped the busts of the Virgin and the Child with a cape and won ahorse the left shore of the
               River Odiel, where an unfrequented footpath would him to the mountain range of Candelaria.
                      The news about the extermination of great part of the family affected the strong old
               woman: 1700 years before, another Vraya had lived a similar situation. Was not possible, she
               said almost for herself, that all that effort was in vain. Even by all the attacks suffered until
               then, the House of Tharsis achieved to overpass always the difficult moments, although no one
               such critical as the present; but the progress were also many: the familiar guideline was almost
               accomplished: the Cult of the Cold Fire since centuries ago that was giving Men of Stone to the
               Lords of Tharsis; and they had preserved the Stone of Venus, the most valued trophy for the
               Enemy; was only missing a last effort of blood purification, that the family could produce a
               Man  of  Stone  able  to  understand  the  Serpent  with  the  Symbol  of  the  Origin,  that’s  to  say,
               someone  capable  to  project  the  Symbol  of  the  Origin  over  the  Stone  of  Venus;  that
               Hyperborean  Initiate  would  reach  in  this  way  the  Highest  Wisdom,  the  localization  of  the
               Origin, and the Stone of Venus would show them the Lytic Sign of the L'Taagar; then the Lords
               of Tharsis could march towards the destiny that the Liberator Gods had reserved to them; and
               that moment not seemed to be far, the House of Tharsis was conscious that the imminence
               with  which  would  reach  a  Man  of  Stone  that  would  be  Pontiff  and  would  comprehend  the
               major secrets; they were awaiting him with anxiety since many years ago but they were all agree
               that  he  would  come  soon;  and  the  signs  of  the  Gods  were  coincident.  How,  then,  how  was
               occurring now this disaster? They had underestimated  the Enemy again? Undoubtedly, that
               was the answer. Was not maintained a sufficient state of alert and was allowed to the Enemy to
               act, who had to be attacked preventively once he approached to the region of Aracena. Being as
               this, the occurred was explained, at least strategically, because against the knowledge employed
               by the Immortals they had no defense apart of the Purity of Blood.
                      Was not possible, repeated the Vraya, that the Liberator Gods have abandoned us at the
               will of the Golems; such hit could not mean the end of the House of Tharsis, not before the
               accomplishment  of  the  familiar  mission;  with  security  would  remain  some  Lords  of  Tharsis
               alive to save the Lineage and make possible the generation of the awaited Man of Stone. Was
               necessary to search them! Noso of Tharsis would have to leave and go around the places where
               lived other relatives, although was not convenient to keep hopes about the survival of no one
               who  was  not  initiated. And  these  last  ones,  the  Men  of  Stone,  were  all incorporated  to  the
               Order of Preachers, working in different monasteries and universities of France and Italy. The
               Noyo would travel immediately. She would remain in Guard; rationing all that was possible the
               available  victuals  would  resist  six  months,  then,  naturally,  would  die  there,  if  Noso  not
               returned at time.
                      The Vraya was right: there still existed Lords of Tharsis alive and with possibilities to
               save the Lineage; but was not less true that this would be the most critical situation that they
               ever faced, including the destruction  of  Tartessos. This time sixteen members of the  family
               achieved to survive: now remained only eight, considering the old Vraya and the Noyo. In fact,
               during his journey to Seville, Cordoba and Toledo, Noso only found the mourning and fear of
               the  non-sanguineous  relatives,  to  whom  nothing  had  happened,  and  he  realized  that  the

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