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P. 182

know and believe me, and understand that I am, Ehyeh. Before me there was no God,
               neither shall there be after Me. I am God since always and also since today I am the
               same, and there is no one that can escape of my hand: I will do what I want, and who
               will change it?» [Isaiah 41, 10]. Yes, Priests; we must not doubt of The One. But neither
               forget that the Hyperborean Seraphim founded the White Fraternity to which all of us belong
               and in which Hierarchy we have reached the Highest Priesthood.
                      In sum, according to the plans of the Seraphim Nephilim, while the Seed of Stone is
               being developed, the Soul of the earthen men would evolve undoubtedly accelerated towards
               the Final Perfection. But the reality contradicted these plans: such Germ of Evil, when it be
               fructified, far of impulsing the Soul to raise it towards the Final Perfection, would be sunk in
               the Terror of Abyss without Name, in the Eternity of an Infinite Blackness. And finally, the
               Seed of Stone would end dominating the Soul of the  man of clay and converting him in an
               Enemy  of  the  Creator  and  the  Creation,  hardening  his  Heart  and  turning  him  in  a  being
               without Love, converting him in a Man of Stone. For this reason We, the Perfect Priests, must
               propitiate the Fire Holocaust, that will clean with pitch at the End the Abominable Sign in–
               the–Stone–that–is–planted–in–the–Soul–of–the–Man–of–Clay. –Concluded Birsha.

               Thirty-Second Day

               Immediately, Bera added the next:
                      –For millenniums, in the submersed Continent of the Atlantis, that the Gentile must
               never know that existed, the Priests of The One fought against the hostile effect that the Cold
               Stone caused in the Souls of men of clay. Was attempted, by divers means, that the Uncreated
               Spirit, incarcerated to the Soul by the Cold Stone, forgets its Origin, beyond the Ein Sof.
                      And the results were encouraging then, finally, the blood of the men of clay had been
               degraded in such way, that the Uncreated Spirit was incapable to orientate itself to the Cold
               Stone that would reveal the Divine Origin. Then existed a Cultural Golden Age, in which other
               Chosen People, similar to Israel, established the Universal Synarchy and was prepared for the
               Kingdom of the Shekhinah. Was in that moment when some Men of Stone, who escaped to the
               extermination that the Priests and the Seraphim Nephilim submitted them, and they achieved
               to  attract  for  their  help  other  Seraphim,  called  «Hyperborean», who  entered  to  the  Created
               Universe  through  the  sphere  of  Venus.  The  most  terrible  of  those  Seraphims  was  Lucifer,
               Phosphorus,  Hesperus,  due  to,  facing  all  the  Celestial  Legions  of  YHVH  Sebaoth,  he
               precipitated to the Earth to bequeath his own Crown to the Spirit, incarcerated in the earthen
               man. He placed here, then, the Damn Gem of the Grail, which has the Power to avoid that
               the Spirit forgets its Divine Origin. Once realized, he returned from where he had came,
               but leaving the fertilized germs of the luciferic Lineages against which we are still fighting, in
               all similar to the House of Tharsis that we have recently exterminated.

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