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were Pelasgians as the Etruscans, denominated the fruit with the voice grana which has the
same root that the Roman-Etruscan malum granatum, that's to say, «fruit of many grains». To
that citadel of Semite merchants, Rimmon, was locally called Granata, Granad and Granada.
In reality, the chosen site by the Phoenicians to install their factory was a crossroads of
Iberian paths already occupied by the own Iberians and Greeks, as would be then by the turduli,
tartessians, and the Celts; but, being the main objective the commerce, it is understood that
each population fortified their own urban base and appeared, in this manner, many citadles
extremely very close to each other, in such way that their posterior unity constitutes the
modern city of Granada. Existed, for example, in front to Granada, an ancient city,
contemporary to Tharsis, called Vira or Virya, in indoeropean language, according if it is
pronounced in Sanskrit or Iranian, and that means Demigod Man, Hero, Man who
participates of the Divinity, Wise Warrior, etc. Both cities, one dwelled by followers of the
Pact of Blood, that's to say, Vira, and the other by staunch defenders and propagators of the
Cultural Pact, Granada, they could not live without permanent conflict. Nevertheless, time
would show, that at least in this case, the God of Granada was stronger than the God of Vira,
and Granada ended dominating Vira, and the other cities, absorbing them into their walls. The
Hebrew took this as an unequivocal sign of their messianic destinyand would never forget it.
Vira must not be confused with lliber, lliberri, or Eliberi, the Eliberge that the
Greek Hecaton mentioned, because they were different citites. During the Roman dominion
the cities were still separated, and such situtation was maintained even with the visighotic. The
Arabs, in compensation for the provided favours for their invasion, concede to the Hebrews the
control of the city of Granada, or Granatha according to the new denomination; thence they
would refer to it as the «Castle of the Jews». But they even did more: after the destruction of
lliberi, they installed their farmstead the heart of Castala, Cazala or Gacela, commonly knew
as Casthilla, other adjacent city, and they favored the economic expansion of Medinat
Garnata, the «Mansion of the Jews». That is the end of El-Vira, or Elvira, whose inhabitants
have to capitulate thousand of years of resistance, and abandon the hill of the same name, and
move to Garnata. The will occur with Medinat Alhambra and Medinat Casthilla: all would end
under the control of the «Jews of Granada». In the XIII century, when the narrated event
occurred, only subsisted the Arab Kingdom of Granada, being the City composed by the
influential «Jewish neighborhood» situated in the primitive location of the Castle of Granada,
the Arab neighborhood of the Alahambra, the Mozarab neifhborhood of Casthilla, of primal
Gallo-Roman root, and the depopulated Elvira. Finally, I will add that if the Hebrew
denominate «Rimmon» to the pomegranate, the Arabs know it as «román», which explains why
for some time the city was called Hinz-Ar-Román, which means «Castle of Granada». But, in
one idiom or other it is proven that the meaning of the name not changed in thousands of
At the light of such missionary activity of the Hebrew Priests, who travelled in the
«navies of Tharsis», must be appreciated the foundation of the Temple of Rus Baal, or of the
Baulder of Baal. The Phoenicians consecrated every city to Baal and designated the West with a
particular Name: so, the Baal of the Sidons was called Baal-Sidon, the one of Tyre, Bal-Tsur, and
the one of the inhabitants of Tharsis, Baal-Tars. From the three main Aspects of Baal, this is,
Baal Chon, the Producer, Baal Tammuz, the Conservator, and Baal Moloch, the Destructor, the
Hebrews accepted the last as a personification of YHVH Sebaoth, the Aspect of Netsah of