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the  White  Atlanteans  gave  birth  to  their  luciferic  plan  destined  to  predispose  the
               Uncreated Spirit to outbreak a Final Battle against the Goodness of The Creator One,
               this land, Priests, will be redeemed of its sins, blessed and sanctified, by the Triple
               Holocaust of Quiblón. For this reason we let you know, at this time, that you had to occupy
               The Boulder of Saturn: You did it?
                      –In fact, O Divine Arlim! –Conffirmed the Great Master of the Temple, who was still
               awating the explanation about the Mystery of the Stone of Fire–. Once received your message,
               we requested the papal authorization in the same site of the Bouder of Saturn.
                      –Well,  you  must  know,  also,  that  Rus  Baal,  or  Baulder  of  Saturn,  is  a  place
               consecrated to Binah, the Aspect with which YHVH is manifested as Great Mother:
               when Quiblón reaches to that sacred place, YHVH will reflect in him the Shekhinah
               and  he  will  gift  him  with  the  Verb  of  Metraton.  How  many  times  descended  the
               Shekhinah to the Earth?
                      –Ten times in front of Israel! –hastened to respond the Rabbi Nasi:

                      First: in the Garden of Eden: «And they heard the voice of the YHVH Elohim walking
               in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hide themselves from the presence
               of the YHVH Elohim amongst the trees of the garden» [Genesis 3,8].

                      Second: to watch the Tower of Babel: «And then YHVH came down to see the City
               and the Tower that the children of men built». [Genesis 11,5].

                      Third: in  Sodom:  «Speaketh  YHVH:  I will go down  now, and  see whether they have
               done  according  to  the  cry  of  it  which  is  come  unto  me;  and  if  not,  I  will  know»  [Genesis

                      Fourth: in the Burning Bush «Then YHVH appeared unto him in a Flame of Fire, out
               of the midst of a bush; and Moses looked, and behold, the bush burnt with fire, but the bush
               was not consumed» [Exodus 3,2].

                      Fifth: in Egypt: «Therefore I come down to Egypt, to deliver them out of the hand of the
               Egyptians  and  to  bring  them  out  of  that  land  into  a  good  and  large  land,  into  a  land  that
               floweth  with  milk  and  honey,  into  the  place  where  lives  the  Canaanites,  the  Hittites,  the
               Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites» [Exodus 3,8].

                      Sixth: over the Mount Sinai: «YHVH came down upon Mount Sinai on the peak of the
               mountain. And YHVH called Moses up into the top of the Mount» [Exodus 19,20].

                      Seventh: on the Elders: «YHVH came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of
               the spirit that was in him, and he gave it unto the seventy Elders: as soon as the spirit rested
               upon them, they prophesied, but then they failed to do it again» [Numbers 11,25].

                      Eighth: over the Red Sea: «He bowed the heavens and came down, and dense clouds he

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