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P. 161

–Well,  Priests!  –Exclaimed  Bera,  while  he  was  examining  attentively  the  image  that
               exposed  in  the  page  12  of  the  Sepher  Icheh  –.  Your  Order  has  realized  a  Great  Work
               representing with images the Wisdom of the Book of Raizel. But the peril if such Hokhmah be
               in power of the Gentiles is huge: thus, you must avoid the unnecessary copies of this book and
               submit  it  to  the  most  rigorous  control.  What  would  be  of  our  plans,  that  are  the  plans  of
               YHVH, if the Gentiles could remember the Secret of the Pomegranate, the Tree Rimmon,
               practically  revealed  by  this  draw?  What  would  we  answer  if  they  knew  again  that  that  a
               Pomegranate was the Tree of Life, the Tree of the Paradise that was not allowed to Adam to
               avoid him to know the Secret of Life and Death? the Gentiles already know that the Tree of the
               Science  of  Good  an  Evil  was  an  Apple-tree  and  they  have  relationed  it  with  the  Rose,
               understanding  that  it  treats  about  a  family  of  plants  which  count  also  the  Almond-tree
               amongst  them;  they  know,  then,  that  in  all  them  there  are  different  parts  of  a  unique
               Message, of an idea impressed of the Creator One. However, they will never reach to relate the
               Pomegranate with any Tree to form the family because Rimmon is Archetype of the Creation:
               on  it  will  be  discovered  similar  elements  to  all  the  rest  species,  but  the  same  could  not  be
               derived of any other thing; as YHVH, contains all them with his Form, but he is not contained
               by any one. The mission that we will entrust you is related to the Pomegranate of the Life, but
               it is specially referred to one of its Fruits, the Sephirha Binah, in which you should inspire to
               fight against the awful heresy of the House of Tharsis.
                      –Yes, Priests! Even though the Lineage of Tharsis died, there still subsists the effect of
               their luciferic acts, from which is not minor the Cult to the Virgin of the Grotto. Against that
               imposture you shall fight immediatly, developing the attack according to the instructions that
               we will give you now! In this moment of the History, that The Very Holy has designed for the
               Chosen People, is smiling to us: soon will be established in Europe the Universal Synarchy; then
               will  appear  the  World  Government  of  the  Chosen  People,  during  which  will  be  manifested,
               upon the Gentile Humanity, the irresistible Power of the Messiah, for whom will be offered
               the Fire Holocaust. But much before such wonderful act be fulfilled, I’d say that in the present
               days, if it is possible, the Order of Melchizedek will raise in the Sephart of Spain a child
               from  the  House  of  Israel  gifted  with  the  Verb  of  Metatron;  he  will  possess  the
               necessary  Hokhmah  to  close  the  doors  that  the  Hyperborean  Demons  have  opened
               and to open the Doors of the Heavenly Palaces, Hekhaloth, from Eden; the kabbalistic
               name of this Supreme Priest is «Quiblón». Quiblón will be gifted with great Power: he
               will emerge from the nowt and will drag the entire Spain behind the Gold that he will
               offer to them in abundance. Blind, as Perseus, Spain will raise the Sword and will cut
               Three Heads of Medusa in a shelter, beyond the Teneubros Sea, in a new Tartarus,
               which path he will show them.
                      –Heed, Priests, because we are prophesying it! Is the Word of YHVH which is sprouting
               from our lips! I repeat: Quiblón will be sent from Heaven, an ambassador of YHVH. And
               you must know that this region of Huelva has been signalized by Melchizedek as the
               seat of the Embassy of Quiblon, as port and breakwater for his magical voyages. Yes;
               the land where the greater sacrifice after the Atlantis was committed, the land where

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