Page 272 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 272

trying to gain the terrestrial environment, impulsed  by the «evolution»; millions years after
               some  apes  decided  to  became  in  man:  impulsed  again  by  the  miraculous  «law  of  evolution»
               become bipeds, fabricate tools, communicate each other speaking, lose the hair and enter in
               History; and then come the History of man: the documents, the Civilization, the Culture. And
               the History goes on implacable in the «evolution», transformed now in a more inflexible law
               called  dialectic:  the  mistakes  in  the  humanity,  the  wars,  the  intolerance,  the  Fascism,  are
               «errors»; the successes, the peace, the democracy, the UN, the Sabin's vaccine, are «successes».

                      From the struggle between errors and successes emerges always a higher state, a benefit
               for  the  future  Mankind,  confirming  the  evolutional  or  progressionist  tendency.  Isn't  that
               progresist tendency of History all the good that has to be expected from the past?

                      For that reason let us be optimist; let's take a look to the future; there are all the goods,
               all the realizations; the theologian guarantees that after a future judgment the heaven doors
               will be opened to the good people, the rosicrucians, the masons and other theosophists, situate
               in the future the moment when, partially concluded the «spiritual evolution», the man who
               identifies himself with his monad, that’s to say, with his «Divine Archetype» and incorporates
               to the Cosmic Hierarchies depending to the Demiurge; and even the materialistic, atheists and
               scientists, present a venturous image  of the future: they show  us a perfect society, with no
               hunger and diseases, where every man, technocratic or dehumanized, happily reign over legions
               of robots and androids.

                      I will not give many details of a fact that is evident: It has been attempted to erase the
               past  of  man  disconnecting  him  from  his  Hyperborean  roots;  it  has  not  been  totally
               accomplished, but, in compensation, it has been attained to create a metaphysical fracture
               between the man and his Hyperborean Ancestors, in such way that, in the present, an abyss
               separates him from his primordial memories, an abyss that has a name: confusion. Parallel to
               such sinister purpose  has  been «projected the  man towards the  future» euphemism  used to
               qualify the illusion of progress that suffers the members of the modern Civilizations. That
               «illusion» is culturally generated by strong «power ideas» skillfully employed as a strategic arm:
               the «sense of History», the «historic acceleration», the «scientific progress», the «education»,
               the «civilization against barbarism», etc. The man, conditioned in such way, blindly believe in
               the future, only look to it, and even the fatalistic, who foresees a «black future», admit that if
               any unpredictable exception or miracle offers an «exit» to the Civilization where he is, is in any
               way, in the «future»; the past is in any case motive of general indifference.

                      This «evident fact» represents undoubtedly an important triumph for the Synarchy; but

               a triumph that is not definitive. In fact, Dr., you have seen that the maximum pressure of the
               Strategy of the Synarchy, is applied to erase the past, in obscuring the remembrance of the
               Divine Origin, and that such attack is produced as a reaction to the gnostic action of the
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