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P. 274
despoiled of the cultural mask. I want to show now another aspect of the enemy reaction that
has motivated the presence of the Grail.
Because of the Grail the man commits the crime of awakening; the sin, and the
punishment is the suffering and pain, through the incarnation and the law of Karma. The ones
in charge to assure the law, and those who are most offended for the Hyperborean
remembrance of the awaken man are the «guardian angels», i.e., the Demons of Chang
Shambhala and their White Fraternity. There is, apart to this one, a direct reaction of the
Demiurge which is convenient to know. But, as such reaction has been repeated many times
since the Hyperborean Spirits have been chained to the yoke of the flesh, a complete exposition
would be to include a huge period of time, which is beyond the official History and it loses in
the night of the Atlantis and Lemuria. Of course, I won't be able to realize such narration and
for this reason I will only refer to the reaction of the Demiurge in historic times, but must not
be forgotten that all what can be said about this fact is not exclusively of an Era, it has been
and surely will be again. A terse introduction will let to understand such direct reaction.
When the ingenious question is exposed, how are the worlds from where the captive
Spirit comes?, believing that can be some image that represents the unimaginable Hyperborea,
the Hyperborean Wisdom usually responds with a metaphorical figure; saying this to the
ignorant novice: «imagine that a speck of dust receives a tiny reflection of the Real Worlds, and
suppose that, then, the mentioned speck is divided and reorganized in infinite particles. Make
another effort to imagine and suppose now that the material Universe that you know and dwell
has been constructed with the pieces of that speck of dust: the Hyperborean Wisdom says: if
you are able to reintegrate in one act of the imagination the huge multiplicity of the Cosmos in
the original speck, then, seeing on its totality, you will perceive only a tiny reflection of the Real
Worlds. If you are able to reintegrate the Cosmos in a speck of dust you will see only a
deformed image of the Homeland of the Spirit. That is all that can be seen from here».
The metaphor becomes clear if it is considered that the Demiurge has constructed the
Universe imitating a clumsy and deformed image of the Real Worlds. Has insufflated His
Breath in the Matter and has ordinated it with the purpose of «copying» the tiny reflection that
once time he received from the Uncreated Spheres. But neither the substance was the adequate
nor the Architect was qualified for it and, added to this ills, has to be considered the perverse
intention of pretending to reign as God the Creation, in similarity (?) of the Unknowable
God. The result is at sight; an insane and malevolent Hell, in which, long time after his
creation, by a Mystery of L-ove incalculable Eternal Spirits were enslaved, condemned to the
matter and subjected to the evolution of life.
The main characteristic of the Demiurge is evidently the imitation, through which he
has attempted to reproduce the Real Worlds and which result has been this vile and mediocre