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P. 271
The main crime committed by man has been the denying of the supremacy of «God», it
means, the terrestrial Demiurge Jehovah Satan, and rebelling to his slavery. But man is a
miserable being, immersed in a Hell of Illusion where he thoughtlessly feels «comfortable»,
with no possibilities to break the spell by himself. If he has denied the Demiurge and has
«rebelled» has been in virtue of an external agent, but: what «thing» in this world can be able to
wake up man, to open his eyes to the forgotten Divinity? «If such 'thing' exists, the Demons
will say, it is the most abominable object of the material Creation». But that «thing», that
«abominable object», is not from this World and of it has «eaten» the captive-Spirit-Man. That
«green fruit», which later will be called Grail, is an aliment that nourishes with the primordial
gnosis, in other words, with the knowledge about the Truth of the Origins. By the Grail,
forbidden fruit par excellence, the man will know that he is Eternal, and that he possesses a
Divine Spirit chained to the matter that proceeds from a World impossible to imagine from
the terrestrial hell but for which feels nostalgia and wants to return.
Because of the Grail man has remembered!
There it is his foremost crime. To remember the Divine Origin will be, from now on, a
terrible sin and those who have committed it will have to pay for it; that is the Will of the
Demiurge, the «Law of Jehovah Satan». Will be his ministers, the Demons of Chang Shambhala,
the ones in charge to execute the sentence giving the punishment in a coin called: suffering and
pain. The instrument will be, naturally, the incarnation, repeated a thousand times in
transmigrations «controlled» by the «law» of karma, declaring cynically that the suffering and
pain are «for the good» of the Spirits, to «help their evolution». If the «evil» lies in the blood
then it will be debilitated making racial miscegenations and it will become impure poisoned
with the fear of the sin. The result will be the strategic confusion of the Spirit and the
complete darkness about the past of man «In the past there is no one that deserves to be saved»
will affirm for millenniums the reasonable people, at the side of the Demons of the fraternity.
The theology, and even the mythology, will speak about the evil of man with the
language of the Demiurge: the «sin», the «fall» and the «punishment». The science on the other
hand will show us a more discouraging panorama: «will prove» using filth fossils, that man
descends from a proto-ape called «hominidae» in other words that this miserable and
despicable animal-man was the ancestor of the asleep man. The «science» has turned the past
of man to the most dramatic degradation connecting it «evolutively» to reptiles and worms. For
the modern man there will be no Divine Ancestors only apes and trilobites. It is really necessary
to start from a superhuman hate to desire to humiliate man in such sorrowful way.
But leaving apart the joyless, being optimist, why look at the past, will say the Synarchy
with the Voice of the Science and Theology, if man is «something projected to the future»? In
the past there is nothing worthy of respect: some primitive marine crustaceans under the silt