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P. 266

I will clarify the  etymological meaning of the  word Archemona  and the philosophical
               sense that denotes in the Hyperborean Wisdom. Archemona, first of all, is a word composed by
               two  Greek  words,  Arke,  beginning  and  monads,  unity.  The  initiation  by  the  Archemonic
               technique allows arriving to a unique principle of the psyche, that is, the egoic individuation
               of the Selbst, from where it is feasible to experiment the absolute possibility of the Spirit in the
               Origin: this is the Hyperborean sense of the Archemona.

                      For  the  Man  of  Stone,  Hyperborean  Initiate  of  the  House  of  Tharsis,  the  «world»  in
               which occurs the daily life is only a «battlefield», a fore occupied by mortal enemies that he
               must fight without truce because they «cut the path to Return to the Origin», «obstructs the
               retreat»  and  pretend  to  «reduce  men  to  the  vilest  slavery»  which  is  «the  submission  of  the
               Eternal Spirit to the matter», his «incarceration to the evolutive plan of the Universe, created
               by  the  Demiurge  and  his  Demons  court».  Thereby,  the  world  is  for  the  Man  of  Stone,  the

                      In  the  Norse  mythology,  in  the  Eddas,  the  Valplads  is  the  battlefield  where  Wothan
               chooses the ones who fall fighting for the Honor, the Truth, in the world, for the Virtues of the
               Spirit. The House of Tharsis according to the Hyperborean Wisdom, extended the concept of
               Valplads to all the  «world». But the «world» is  the macrocosm, where  subsists the potential
               microcosm of the awake man; the reality of that «world», that surrounds as the Valplads the
               awake man, is Maya, the Illusion of the Great Deceit. When the awake man has been situated in
               his  Archemona  and  liberates  the  interior  Area  through  the  Strategic  Opposition,
               indeterminating or turning infinite the real  enclosure, the  lapis  oppositionis that is in the
               Valplads,  it  is  said  that  its  area  constitutes  the  fenestra  infernalis  of  the  Archemona,  the
               infinite  point  of  the  Strategic  Enclosure:  the  fenestra  infernalis  is  the  point  of  higher
               approximation  between the liberated area  and  the Valplads, and in front of it struggles the
               awake  man  and  the  Demiurge  Face  to  Face,  are  confronted  Two  Total  Strategies,  the
               Hyperborean and the Satanic.

                      As a last reflexion referred to the allegory I will say that when the prisoner «pulls the
               circlet» and discovers the secret exit is effectuating an analogous action to when «the awake
               man»  applies  the  law  of  the  enclosure,  according  to  the  archemonic  technique,  and  «open»
               univocal and irreversibly a path to the Origin.

                      Therefore, it has been explained the method that the Loyal Gods uses to counteract the
               culture», strategic enemy arm. They send Their message which finality is to wake up in man
               the Memory of Blood and orientate him to the Origin, his «secret exit». Finally they induce to
               discover the «principle of the enclosure» and to apply, then, the «archemonic technique».

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