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P. 263

The  «cell»  according  to  the  argument  4,  is  analogous  to  sphere  of  shadow.  But,  as  a
               substrate of the sphere of shadow, is the cultural structure: a «dissimulated» circlet on the
               floor  of  the  cell  corresponds  undoubtedly  to  a  mathematical  principle,  an  archetypical
               integrated symbol, «dissimulated» in the scheme of a Relation.

                      The  allegory  permit  us  to  comprehend,  then,  that  the  Liberators  Gods  with  their
               charismatic message, discover a mathematical principle which remained unconscious in the
               cultural structure, which we named «principle of the enclosure». Thereby:

               - 10 -

               c  -  The  «circlet»  in  the  cell  of  the  prisoner  is  analogous  to  the  «principle  of  the  enclosure»,
               mathematical principle, or Collective Archetype which remained unconscious in the asleep man

               and that the message of the Liberators Gods dis-cover.

                      I demonstrated, days ago, that in the mental process that give place to the «scientific
               idea» of a phenomenon concurs elements of two main sources: the «mathematical principles»
               and the «preeminent cultural premises». This can be verified mainly when formulating a «law of
               the  nature»,  which  explains  the  behavior  of  a  phenomenon  establishing  casual  relations
               between aspects of the same. I will give a simply example: to «measure» the side of a regular
               polyhedron. Here the phenomenon is a corpus with the form of a regular polyhedron; it means
               a «phenomenic entity». It takes for it the «graduated rule», which is, a flat surface where are
               engraved the longitudinal units and from which we are secure that one of its sides if perfectly
               straight. We make it coincide with the zero in the ruler with the «beginning» of the object that
               we will measure. It is observed now that the «end» of the side coincides with the number five of
               the  ruler  and  it  is  affirmed  without  more  that  «in  the  polyhedron,  the  side  measures  five
               centimetres».  It  has  been  realized,  as  will  be  seen,  a  series  of  subjective  operations  which
               conclusions, however, can be confirmed by others observers; this possibility of testing is what
               gives the designation of «law of the nature» to the mentioned fact.

                      But it occurs that in the ruler, that we believe numbered, are really engraved signs that
               represent  numbers,  not  numbers  themselves.  The  numbers  are  mathematical  principles
               property of the cultural structure, subjective elements, which intervene in the act to «recognize
               that the limit of the side coincides with the sign «5».  When we say «measures five centimetres»
               we make the affirmation of an empirical quality: «exists a proportion (it means, a mathematical
               relation)  between  the  longitude  of  the  side  of  the  polyhedron  and  longitude  of  the  earth
               meridian». This proportion is inert or constant (=5cm.) and constitutes a «relation between
               aspects of a phenomenon», that’s to say, a «law of the nature».

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