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appropriated to talk about it. Only can be offered some suggestions, like those that I
exposed the eighth and ninth day when I narrated about the Ritual of the Cold Fire.
The allegoric story of the prisoner has permitted to expose in a simply form the method
used by the Loyal Gods to guide the asleep men. The charismatic message permits, if is heard,
to «awake» man putting him in contact with his Memory of Blood. Then make him participate
in the Mystery of L-ove, Supreme Experience that nullifies, as we said, the cultural Strategy of
the Synarchy. But it is not possible to know in what consists the Mystery of L-ove until it has
been experienced individually. There are only the general indications of those who have
transmuted and gone. Based in those indications it can be affirmed that the Mystery of L-ove
is experienced in seven different ways by man and that, precisely, due to this the
Hyperborean Wisdom provides seven initiatory paths of liberation.
According to the way how the Mystery of L-ove has been gnostically perceived will be the
path of liberation adopted and is for this reason that it is usually talk about a «path of
mutation» or of «the ray»; of a «dry path» or «right hand path»; or of a «wet path» or «left hand
path» or one of the «path of strategic opposition» or «path of the gnostic warrior for the
absolute orientation», etc.
I will not talk, of course, about all the liberation paths but I will talk of which that has an
especial relation with this history, that is, «the path of the strategic opposition», which was
the one followed by the House of Tharsis. But the path of the strategic opposition is the last
interpretation of the ancient Mystery of the Labyrinth, founded by Navutan after the
submersion of the Atlantis: to the House of Tharsis, the second part of the L-ove song, which
was heard during the Ritual of the Cold Fire, revealed the Mystery of the Labyrinth as an
individual path of liberation. It means that the Lords of Tharsis, always, understood the
Mystery of the Labyrinth, when transmuting into Man of Stone. Referred to the allegory of the
prisoner Self, it must be understood that the Navutan's solution of the Mystery of the
Labyrinth, the mystery of the spiritual incarceration, the Mystery of the Death, is analogous to
the solution of the L-ove song: It consists in a way for 1st. awake; 2nd. orientate. Which way
is what was lastly called «Path of the Strategic opposition» and that includes, necessarily, the
employment of the Vrunes and the principle of the enclosure.
In the allegory, the second part of the message was quite extensive because is referred
also to the «other paths» of liberation that can «open» the Mystery of L-ove. But the prisoner
has found the key in the Wedding Ring and that means, analogically, that has opted for the
Path of the Strategic Opposition. The message has got to him by «the acoustic way», it means,
gnostically, and, when taking consciousness of it content, through the revealed key, finds in the
cell a circlet, which allows to open the secret exit.