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P. 300

attributed to that or such country to have reached «a high grade of civilization» because «was in
               possession  of  the  Grail»,  due  to  the  Grail  can't  be  in  possession  of  no  one  because,  by
               disposition of the Gallant Lord, is proof of the Divinity of all the captive  Spirits. What a
               country can have in custody is the Vrune of Orichalcum, but only as a prize and recognition to
               some racial purity previously obtained. It means that the fact of having in custody the Vrune
               of Orichalcum is not the cause of the greatness of a country; it is inversely, the purity of their
               lineage made them worthy of the Highest Honor of being depositary of the seat of the Grail.

                      But, if the Vrune of Orichalcum is only given to whom deserves to have it, it is truth
               that its near presence produces a mutant microclimate. Is for this reason that the Gods usually
               place the Vrune of Orichalcum, during the dark ages, in appropriate sites to influence the less
               confuse lineages.

               7th. -Of all what I’ve have  exposed hitherto, is extracted the capital importance that would
               have  for  a  community  of  Hyperborean  lineage,  to  achieve  the  custody  of  the  Vrune  of
               Orichalcum. It is imposed then to treat cautiously about this possibility. The problem can be
               resumed in the question: For what needs a King, or anyone who practices the Regal Function,
               to find the Grail, it means, the Vrune of Orichalcum? Now Dr. Siegnagel, I will invite you to a
               brief reflexion about the attitude that must be adopted when taking cognizance of the facts
               protagonized  by  the  Liberator  Gods,  and  then  I  will  give  the  answer  to  the  problem
               internalizing more on the Symbology of the Grail.

                      It is required a deep meditation on the symbols that I have presented to capture their
               last  meaning,  which  must  be  perceived  always  as  dramatic  and  tragic,  plethoric  of  Spiritual
               urgencies. Nobody that had taken consciousness of the incredible sacrifice realized by the Gods
               at maintaining the Grail in the world for millions of years through the Strategic Opposition, it
               means, by a constant and continuous act of Will, no one that has understood it, I repeat, could
               stay impassive, in the middle of the confusion, without feeling the urgency to liberate from the
               chains of the Demiurge and go, trying to alleviate, in some way the work of the Gods. No one
               that proves on his blood the truth of these symbols could avoid that the Honor, unique moral
               of men, urge him with insistence to «abandon all» and go. But that departure will be «with the
               arms in the hands», disposed to fight to the death against the Demons and feeling that the
               blood has been turned on, by the Furore of the Warrior; by «the essential hostility» against the
               creation  of  the  Demiurge,  transmuting  the  weak  organic  substance  of  the  physical  body  in
               Vajra, the incorruptible matter. Is the least that a man can do to respond in some way to the

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