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P. 302

King, with the acceptance and acquiescence of the people». In my interpretation this means,
               evidently, that a «social force» has predominated over the others (the «other knights») and has
               replaced the existent order (which was predicted) by a New Order, unanimously accepted
               by the people. But if the problem is reduced to a mere fight for the power: for what reason
               needs the new King (or new elite, Aristocracy, Caste, etc.) to find the Grail? Because the Grail
               confirms the Regal Function. When in critical times an Elite or a charismatic Leader accesses
               to the power, with intentions of regal restoration, must rapidly legalize his situation because,
               if is not another Elite or Leader will come to question his titles and will also try to occupy the
               vacant place, succeeding in this way an endless number of military or political battles. But if
               there is fight for the Power no one has its control and can finally occur that the Kingdom ends
               divided into many factions. It is necessary to resolve the situation, consulting to an infallible
               judge, an undisputed and transcendental authority. In this moment is necessary to appeal to
               the Grail. Why the Grail? Because the Grail is also a Regal Slate, the «kings list» which says
               who must govern, to whom corresponds to reign, because it reveals who has the Purer
               Blood. But this revelation is not only mantic and arcane, but is by Grail mediation the purity of
               the  Leader,  his  right  to  the  Guidance,  will  be  known  and  recognized  by  everyone,
               charismatically. So, the pure madman, of Hyperborean lineage but of commoner caste, after to
               have «found the Grail» is «recognized by the people» as an undisputed King.

                      When  a  Hyperborean  lineage  trusts  in  the  light  of  the  Grail  for  the  election  of  their
               Leaders  can  be  said  with  authority  that  from  them  will  succeed  a  dynasty  of  «Kings  of  the
               Grail». During the reign of one of them can occur that the lineage reaches to such elevate grade
               of  purity  that  can  be  worthy  to  obtain  the  custody  of  the  Vrune  of  Orichalcum.  Is  what
               happened, for example, in the XIII century in the French county of Toulouse when the Vrune of
               Orichalcum was entrusted to the Perfect Cathars. Will be alleged, against this affirmation, that
               the Cathars were Manichaeans, it means, the heritors of a gnostic tradition, and that this is
               reason of their annihilation, existing only a circumstantial relation between them, the Counts
               of Toulouse and the Occitan people. That argument, of modern Golem origin, tries to deviate
               the attention of the most important fact of the Cathar epic poetry: their relation with the Grail.

                      The fact that they were Gnostics, something that no one discusses, and that they taught
               one of the Secret paths of liberation based in the L-ove song of the Loyal Gods, origin of the
               Culture  of  the  troubadours,  something  that  a  few  people  know,  don't  explain  at  all  their
               relation with the Grail. The Grail, in the mark of the Odal Strategy, has a mere racial sense. If
               the Vrune of Orichalcum was entrusted to the Cathars, is because they participated actively, in
               the collective transmutation techniques, the ones that cannot exclude the Regal Function,
               and not only because «they were of gnostic affiliation». A topic connected with the property of

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