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P. 306
the Wise Sword, and restituting the Flame of the Perennial Lamp, he took the place of the Noyo
and reestablished the millenary guard: the vrunaldinos would supply him from the Catalan
fortress which in that time existed in some place of the Chapel, at the feet of the Hill.
Such Noyo was a Man of Stone relatively young nut very wise; he remained in the Cavern
for the next five years, during which the destruction of the Order of the Temple and the
Golems’ power collapsed in France. Within the members of the House of Tharsis, as is natural,
the defeat of the Golems had caused a general clime of joy; but no one expected that something
new would occur, something related to the Secret Cavern, to the Wise Sword, to the familiar
mission, to the Pact of Blood. Nevertheless, in the first days of June of 1315 all received an
indentical encrypted message: it was about a citation of the Noyo to concur to an extraordinary
familiar reunion the day 21 in San Félix de Caramán. In that day, in the Castle of Valentina, the
Lords of Tharsis celebrated for first time in forty years a Family Council.
The meeting was scheduled for the 21 hr., but at the 19 almost everyone was in the main
hall of the Castle: only the Noyo was missing, who, according to the Castilian, he had been
locked in a tower, without descending in all the day. Many didn’t know each other, and the
presentations and salutations created a festive clime. While they were eating a cold and light
dinner they didn’t stop to transmit news and comment the last events of France: the names of
Pierre Flotte, Guillaume de Nogaret, Guillaume Plasian, Clement V, and other Lords of the Dog,
were pronounced with much respect and admiration; but the one of Philip IV was on the apex
of the general veneration. And it was not for less: the Great King, by means of the sanction of
350 laws of Domini Canis origin, had transformed France in the first Nation of Occident. And
also, and mainly, he had destroyed in great measure the Golems’ infrastructure, apart from
eliminating the major Templar staff and to obey the escape of the rest. For this reason, those
who were virtual survivors of the Bleach, joyfully laughed when remembering the Templar
In the moment when they raised their copes in direction to the coat of arms of the
House of Tharsis, that dominated the hall since the superior wall of the home, entered the
Noyo, who joined to the celebration.
–Honor et Mortis! –he screamed with thunderous voice.
–Ad Inimicus! –responded with vehemence the presents.
The bellicose group was composed by eighteen Lords of Tharsis, ten Knights and eight
Ladies, all Men of Stone. Twelve of them were vrunadinos and six valentininos. The seventeen
remained in silence, looking expectant the newcomer. The Noyo started to speak immediately:
–Ladies and Gentlemen: you must have the security that if I have cited you with such
urgency had not been for caprice but due to a matter unable to be postponed demanded it. –
While continued speaking, he impressed on his words a tone of severity such that,
something unthinkable in a Man of Stone, suggested the influence of a strong impression.
Similar effect could not be caused by such assembly; it had to be another thing.
–Really–he continued– this meeting was requested by Him, who you will know
immediately. I know, for my part, that prudence advised to wait some more years, before to
sustain a Family Council.
A sound emerged from every throat because a murmur was elevated around the hall. All
were amazed by the revelation of a visitor due to, in the dilated history of the House of Tharsis,
the Men of Stone had never gathered in presence of a stranger. Once the collective exclamation