Page 307 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 307

was dissipated in the space, the Noyo continued:
                      –Don’t worry, Men of Stone, because the Secret of the House of Tharsis will remain safe:
               our guest is not from this world; he will come here from K’Taagar and then he will
               return to the City of the Gods. But, it is not necessary to tell you the circumstances of my
               encounter with Him, one of the Liberator Gods of the Spirit of Men, one of the Lords of Venus.
                      As you know, since five years ago that I am maintaining the guard of the Wise Sword: in
               that period of time I never stopped to contemplate the Stone of Venus, but nothing different I
               warned on it. Day after day I was concentrated on its contemplation, expecting to see the Sign
               of the Origin, or the Lytic Sign of the K’Taagar, but nothing new occurred: just the dancer signs
               of the Illusion, the Created Archetypes by God the One, which were also inside of us, passed
               vainly through my sight. Nevertheless, one day occurred something different; was in May, a
               little before I convoked you.
                      The narration was followed with superlative attention.
                      Undoubtedly,  the  Noyo  had  an  amazing  experience,  but  certainly  extraordinary,
               uncommon, irregular. The Liberator Gods since thousands of years that they didn’t manifest
               themselves unto men: since the Age of the White Atlanteans.
                      –Well, that day, after many hours of meditation, I fell asleep before the Wise Sword. I
               ignore  how  much  time  I  remained  in  that  state.  I  only  remember  that  a  musical  sound
               awakened me, until I distinguished with clarity the Word «Tyrodinguiburr» modulated in the
               Language of the Birds; coincidentally, when I stared at the Wise Sword, I saw the Vrunes that
               formed that word shining perfectly clear in the centre of the Stone of Venus. My astonishment
               had no limits, as you can imagine, when I heard, sprouting at my back, a Voice, gifted with the
               Majesty of the Eternal Spirit, which was pronouncing my name. When I saw his countenance I
               found myself before a plethoric Being of Light, who was watching me smiling beside the Right
               Angle  of  the  Secret  Cavern:  I  understood  then  that  it  was  He  who  was  projecting  the  Sign
               Tyrodinguiburr on the Stone of Venus and was trying to catch my attention. I returned quickly
               to  contemplate  the  Vrunes  but,  believe  me  Men  of  Stone  that  would  result  difficult  to
               communicate what happened in that moment.
                      A long sigh accompanied the last words of the Noyo. After a second of vacillation, during
               which the bright of his eyes turned off and the attention seemed to pass inside of me, he firmly

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