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Labyrinth are contraries: as smaller is the strategic orientation, more complex will be
the Labyrinth; the maximum strategic orientation, the patent Origin, dissolves the
Illusion of the Labyrinth. Moreover, if the movement is guided by the strategic
orientation, the Time and Space of the Labyrinth turns relative; the Origin situates
itself far or nigh, according to strategic attitude of the awake man. Therefore, the
reality of the awake man is relative in regard to the absolute Reality of the Origin.
The reality of the awake man depends from the strategic orientation. We have
seen many awake men, each one of them in their «real» World, searching
simultaneously the Origin; each one of them with different strategic orientation.
Which is then, the Real World, if all of them are relative real from the Origin?: Of all
the possible Worlds, «real» are the Worlds that the Spirit of the awake man affirms; of
all the «real» Worlds, real is the World where the awake man possess the best
strategic orientation and where they sustain a triumphant Strategy against the
Enemy of the Spirit: and the Reality of that Worlds is affirmed by Navutan, the War
Lord. The Lords of Venus of K’Taagar, from the Origin, disconnected from the Time
and Space of the Labyrinth, scrutinize permanently the millions of Worlds of the
Illusion while they await for the last asleep men to retake the Path of the Spirit and
to declare the Essential War against the Potencies of the Matter. They discovered
Your World, Lords of Tharsis, and revealed it to Navutan. And the War Lord, flattered
by your feats, decided to affirm it as Real. From the Origin, the Great Ace
distinguished your World saying:
There it is, ex sistit, the real World of the Lords of Tharsis, who do not stop
fighting for the Freedom of the Eternal Spirit! Exists, then, a world where the asleep
men are capable to wake up and face the Potencies of the Matter! Ha,ha, ha; and Good
are they: they have just won a Battle! With Them I will send the Great Chief of the
White Race! With the help of these Wise Warriors, and of those Heroes who join with
them, they will defeat the Potencies of the Matter and will put end, in the Beginning,
to the Essential War!
Comprehend this, Lords of Tharsis, and you’ll know why I have come and in
what consists the Grace that Navutan has dispensed when giving Real existence to
Your World!
Because thus it is! The World where you live and where the Enemy has been
recently defeated will be the Real World for the Lords of Venus and Navutan, the War
Lord! In this world will start the Final Battle, when men will face definitively against
the Potencies of the Matter! And in this World, the World of the Lords of Tharsis,
shall be realized all those who try to liberate his Eternal Spirit and leave towards the
Origin, all the Warrior, the Heroes, the Hyperborean Initiates, the real Gnostics, the
Men of Stone! Hear: those who search for the Blood of Tharsis and find it in their World will
settle the Spirit in the Cold Stone which is in the Origin, in the Stone that is sustained out from
the Created Universe and that will be still in the Origin when the Created Universe won’t exists
Contrarily, those who pretend to ignore the Blood of Tharsis, or be incapable to
find it, will found their World in the Illusion and will be converted in Lye at the End of