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P. 301

assistance that the Gods have given to the Hyperborean lineages, making possible with their
               Odal Strategy that the Grail gives proof of the Divine Origin.

               I will go now to the pending question,

                      The  Stone-Grail,  the  Gem  of  Kristos  Lucifer,  is  sustained  in  the  world  by  the
               Opposition of the Gods, where it comply the function to reflect the Origin and Divinizes the
               Hyperborean lineages, but, by being temporally related with the Valhalla, signalize also, to
               every  awake  man,  a  path  towards  the  abode  of  the  Immortals.  That  path  that  follows  the
               warriors fallen in battle, the heroes, the champions, guided by the Hyperborean women, those
               who were promised at the beginning of time and that for thousands years, by the fear that
               poisoned their hearts, had forgotten. If the courage demonstrated in battle has been enough
               purge, unfailingly, She will be there, by his side, to clean his wounds with the cold L-ove of
               Hyperorea  and guide him to the inverse  path  which guides to the Valhalla.  And that path
               starts with the Grail. To the house of Tharsis for example, the White Atlanteans promised
               that one day, when the blood of the Lords of Tharsis be sufficiently purified, a Noyo or a Vraya
               would see in the Stone of Venus the lytic sign of the K'Taagar, that would indicate the time to
               go: such sign would show, when seeing it, the paths towards the Vahalla, the abode of the Loyal
               Gods. But doesn't has to be thought that due to this that the Light of the Grail aims to the
               individual salvation of the asleep man, for it is disposes from the «Chant of the Gods» and the
               seven secret paths of Spiritual liberation. On the contrary, inside of the Odal Strategy the Grail
               must comply with the fundamental role to restore the Regal Function, that is to say: must
               serve to a racial or social purpose. Due to this the Grail will be required in all the cases in which
               it tries to establish the Universal Empire or any other governmental system based on the social
               application of the law of the enclosure: monarchy, Fascism, National Socialism, aristocracy of
               the Spirit, etc.

                      The  historical  facts  that  guides  to  the  «Quest  for  the  Grail»  always  similar,  can  be
               symbolically resumed in this way. The principle of the Kingdom is «terra gasta» or «the king is
               sick» or just the throne has remained headless, etc. There can  be many interpretations, but
               essentially the symbol refers to the exhaustion or decay of the charismatic leadership and to a
               power vacuum, no matter if the government is of a King, caste or elite. The best Knights start
               to «search the Grail», in an attempt to put end to the ills that afflicts the Kingdom and to make
               return  the  old  splendor.  Only  one  of  them  finds  the  Grail  and  returns  the  welfare  to  the
               kingdom,  being  «curing  the  King»  or  «crowing  himself».  Curiously  the  triumphant  Knight
               always is presented as a «fool», «pure madman», «ingenuous», but especially as a «commoner».

                      The «best knights» are equivalent here to any of the multiple social forces that prepares
               themselves to rush in the Regal Function when exists acephaly or power vacuum. Finally «one
               of them» triumphs and re-establishes the order in the Kingdom; «was commoner and now is
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