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P. 326
Karma and the Eternal Return. Leonidas in the Thermopylae is not human anymore. For this
reason the population of Nimrod in their holy fury sensed their next collective mutation; they
were elevated and they were seeing the dissolution of the deceitful reality of the Demiurge
Enlil. They boiled in courage and thus, they purified drastically their blood. And that Pure
Blood, seething in fury and courage, when it struck in their temples brings the Remembrance of
the Origin and make pass before the inner sight the primitive images. Subtracts, in one word,
the miserable reality of the world and transports to the real spiritual essence of man. In these
magical circumstances it is not strange that an entire population win the immortality of
Contrasting with that warrior euphoria was warned a terrible anguish portrayed in the
faces of numerous citizens. They were who constituted the primitive Hamitic population of
Borsippa, shepherds and merchants, who have always worshipped the Demiurge Enlil.
According to their traditions, Jehovah Satan had preferred the shepherd Abel and the
depreciated the famer Cain, what is coherent due to «shepherd is the office of the animal-man»,
son of Jehovah, according to what teaches the Hyperborean Wisdom. For these reasons they
manifested a deep hate against the King Nimrod and the cainites Initiates. A hate that only the
cowards can feel, those who in everything are similar to rams and sheep, call themselves
«shepherds». That hate to the warrior is the one that hypocritically disguised exalts the
«virtues» of the sentimentalism, charity, the fraternity, the equality, and other falseness which
are well-known for being suffered in the civilization of shepherds in which the Judeo-
Christianity of the Synarchy has plunged us. And such hate that I am considering emerges and
feeds from a source called fear.
Fear and Courage: here are the two opposites. It was already seen the transmutative
power of the courage, which expression is the Furor of the Warrior. The fear, instead, is
expressed in the pusillanimous and refined hate that, after multiple distillations produces, the
envy, the grudge, the evil-speaking and every kind of insidious feelings. The fear is a poison for
the purity of blood as the courage is an antidote. The exaltation of the courage elevates and
transmutes; dissolves the reality. The exacerbation of the fear, instead, sinks in the matter and
multiplies the incarceration to the illusory forms. For this reason the Hamitic shepherds of
Borsippa murmured between teeth the prayers to Enlil while, as hypnotized by terror,
contemplated the cainite ceremony.
At the first hour in the morning, when Shamash, the Sun, had just awakened, the drums
and flutes were already electrifying the air with their monotonous and ululating rhythm. In the
distant terraces of the Tower the female Initiates danced only while they repeated ceaseless
Kus, Kus, invoking the God of the Race. The Hierophants, fifty in number, officiated the
previous rites for the battle installed around the huge labyrinthine mandala constructed in the
floor of the superior turret with lapis lazuli mosaics, exact replica of the labyrinth of the base of
the Ziggurat. In every precinct predominated the blue color standing out with an intense and
scintillant bright the great green Emerald consecrated to the Spirit of Venus, the Goddess that
the Semites called Ishtar and the Sumerians Imnina or Ninharsag.
While the Hierophants remained under the roof of the superior turret, outside, in the
sideward corridors the King Nimrod and his two hundred archers were preparing to die.
The war climax went «in crescendo» as the hours passed. By the noon could be observed
an ectoplasmic vapor of ashes color that strained from the columns of the superior turret and