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P. 327
turned wanly around it, involving on its capricious volutes the imperturbable warriors. Inside
the turret, the vapor covered the totality of the precinct but not surpassed the waist of the
tallest Hierophant.
The crowd that remained petrified watching the apex of the enormous Tower assisted
suddenly, amazed, to a phenomenon of embodiment of the vapor. At the beginning, only some
of them perceived it, but now it was visible for all: the cloud adopted defined forms that stayed
a moment to then dissolve and embody again. The main «motive» of the mysterious reliefs in
the vapor was constituted fundamentally by figures of «Angels». Angels or Gods; but also
Goddesses and Children. And animals: horses, lions, eagles, gods, etc. And chariots. Was an
entire Celestial Army which was materialized in the vaporous cloud and turned slowly around
the turret. And when the chariots passed, pulled by winged coursers, the Warrior Angels
encouraged clearly to Nimrod. As the women, but it is convenient to stop an instant in They
due to the mere contemplation of their Hyperborean beauty is enough to illuminate the heart
of the most passive man and take him out from the claws of the Deceit. Oh the Hyperborean
women! So beauty!. They wore a short skirt tied to the waist by a thin cord from which hung, at
one side, the sheath of a funny and fearsome sword. The arch crossed on the chest and, the
sword, the nourished quiver. The braids of gold and silver of a hair that was divined to be as
smooth and light as the wind. And the Countenances, who would be able to describe those
forgotten Countenances, after millenniums of deceit and decadence; Countenances that,
however, are recorded with fire in the Soul of the warrior, usually even ignoring it? Who would
dare to talk about those sparkling eyes of cold courage that irresistibly incite to fight for the
Spirit, to return to the Origin, eyes of steel whose gaze will template the Spirit until the
previous instant of the combat but that, after the struggle, miraculously, will be as a balm of
cold love that will cure every wound, that will calm every suffering, that will resuscitate
eternally the Hero, the one who maintains himself tenaciously in the Path of the Return to the
Origin? And who, at last, would dare to even mention her primordial smiles before which go
pale all the human gestures; before whose clinking sounds turns off the music and the rumors
of the earth; transmutative laugh that could never resound amongst the misery and the deceit
of the material reality and that, for this reason, can be only heard by who also know to listen
the Voice of the Pure Blood? It is impossible trying to rough out the purity of the image of
those Hyperborean women, eternal companions of the Men of Stone, whose projection in the
extoplasmic vapor would be produced thanks to the powerful will of cainites Initiates. I will
only add that such images were huge. While the other figures turned at some distance from the
Kassitas warriors, They came to embrace and caress them, and then their size could be
appreciated. They doubled in height to the King Nimrod, the tallest warrior of Borsippa.
The population saw clearly these effusions and, even if it was evident that the Goddess
spoke to the warriors in imperative tone, while they signalized the sky, no one, amongst them,
would be able to hear if those phantoms were really emitting some sound due to the frenetic
rhythm of the flutes, drums, harps and timpani, was deafening. But perhaps the Hyperborean
women were talking directly to the Spirit, perhaps their voices were heard inside of every
warrior as Prophets says…
Involved in that frenzy, but momentarily stunned of amazement by the alterations of
the white cloud, the citizens of Borsippa didn’t warn when one of the Initiates abandoned the
dance. She moved up the floors that missed to reach the turret, but before entering the vapor