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P. 328

took the form of a multitude of winged children who fluttered around her shedding etheric
               liquids of no lesser etheric amphorae. However such supernatural manifestations didn’t stop
               her. Anointed from head to toe by the gracious cherubs she advanced resolutely and entered to
               the turret. The fifty Hierophants, when they warned the irruption, stopped every chant, every
               invocation, and turning to her they stared steadily. Finally the Initiate ceased her light pitapat
               before the entrance of the labyrinth and, without saying a word, she pulled from a cord and
               dropped  her  tunic,  remaining  completely  naked…  and  except  for  the  jewels.  These  were
               extremely  strange:  four  serpentiform  golden  bracelets  that  she  carried  rolled  one  on  each
               ankle and one on each wrist; a necklace similar to the bracelets; a tiara studded of milky and
               opaque stones; two pendants and two serpentiform rings and a red stone in the umbilicus.
                      Of  all  the  set  what  most  impressed,  for  the  exquisite  design  and  the  ability  of  the
               goldsmiths, were the bracelets. Each one of them whirled three rounds; the ones of the left leg
               and arm with a propounding serpent’s tail outwards and flathead to the interior of the body;
               the bracelets enrolled on the right leg and arm showed the serpent as «emerging» from the
               body; in the necklace, the serpent pointed with its tail towards the land and the head, strangely
               bicephalous this time, remained just under the chin. All the serpents had some green stones
               incrusted in their eyes, and the body wrought and enameled with bright colors. When seeing
               these wonderful pieces of goldsmithing no one would have suspected that they were in reality,
               delicate instruments to canalize telluric energies. The young girl is of a beauty that takes the
               breath off. She can be observed while roaming with safe step the labyrinth, which seems to be
               very well known by her due to floor was almost indistinguishable, behind the dense cloud of
               ectoplasmic vapor. If she missed the way, if she encountered with a hurdle, would have been
               taken as a bad omen and the operation would have been suspended until the next year. But the
               Initiate didn’t hesitate; she had opened the Thousand Eyes of the Blood and saw below, in the
               base  of  the  Tower,  how  the  telluric  energy,  as  irresistible  serpent  of  fire,  perambulated  the
               resonant labyrinth as well. And all trusted in Her, in the terrible mission that she had started,
               which begins there but is prolonged to other worlds. They trusted because she was a magician
               Initiate,  who  had  born  fifth  in  a  family  of  dowser,  of  such  purest  blue  blood  that  her  vein
               remained drawn as bushy trees under the transparent skin. Everyone was thinking on her while
               she perambulated the labyrinth singing the hymn of Kus.
                      The Hierophants contained the breath while the svelte legs of the Initiate walked with
               dexterity through the last tracts of the mosaic-labyrinth: then, when she was near to «exit». She
               has triumphed!
                      But  that  triumph  means  the  death,  as  will  be  seen  immediately.  At  the  end  of  the
               labyrinth was placed the column of metal and stone where the Hyperborean Emerald shined
               with strange bright. The Initiate stopped before it and, raising the eyes up to the skies, she
               ascended the three steps that guides to the base of the column, which is of small height due to
               the Emerald just reached to level of the pubis. A curious thing, the Emerald had been carved
               with form of vagina, with a central aperture, which was possible to see due to it was in the
               superior facet, which I confronted with the roof of the temple. On the contrary, the Initiate,
               even  being  naked,  was  not  possible  to  watch  her  sex  because  a  fold  of  flesh  covered  her
               underbelly, absolutely hairless. This physical characteristic, that today only conserves the bush-
               women,  is  the  most  evident  proof  of  their  atlantean-hyperobrean  lineage.  The  Cro-Magnon
               women possessed a «natural skirt of skin» and the ancient Egyptians of the first dynasties as

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