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Mother Binah. Thus it was converted, at the style of the Roman decadence, the Apacheta in an
altar of Lares Gods, or of a Supreme God, Creator of the World, represented by the Warm Fire,
the Creator Fire wich never extinguishes, the Solar Logos, the Sun. And over the Apacheta
reigned now a Binah-Pachamama, Mother Earth, Shakty, Creator Matrix of Things; Goddess of
Love to whom was convenient to make sacrifices for her intervention before his Husband, the
Creator One. Thenceforth the Apacheta lost its strategic character and orientator towards the
Origin and it was, for the Ingas of Cuzco, an object of the Cultural Pact, an instrument of
idolatry of the Priests of the White Fraternity, the new «Amautas».
Such process of spiritual decadence resulted catastrophic for the Atumurunas of the
Lake Titicaca, which neither achieved to preserve the Pure Blood and they were facing day to
day with the racial extinction. Their presence was now reduced to the ambit of the Path of the
Gods, which they ended occupying completely, and the «City of the Moon», in the secret cavern
of Isle of the Moon. Almost never they were visible to the dwellers of the Empire of Cuzco,
except to transmit some esoteric information to the Ingas, but their apparitions were feared,
because they were considered as «announcer of ills», «predictors of disasters», etc. Their
«envoys» were the Amautas of the Black Bonnet, and they never appeared too much at the sight
of the inhabitants neither and inspired indentical terror.
It is convenient to clarify, Dr. Siegnagel that once occupied the Path of the Gods, it was
only utilized for travelling by the Amautas of the Black Bonnet: the Atumurunas employed
instead, a subterrneous path which crossed the Andes from one extreme to the other,
and it had the same trace of the Path of the Gods, it means, that it was extended
behind it. There were vertical secret exits that communicated the Path of the Gods
with the tunnel of the Andes, where «appeared» the mysteriour Atumurunas. And,
according to what the Ingas legends affirmed, such tunnel, constructed by the White
Atlanteans, possessed stone vehicles that allowed the travelling at fantastic speeds.
Finally, to years before the arrival of Francisco Pizarro to Cajamarca, the situation of the
Atumurunas became desperate: they only disposed of the Princess Quilla to maintain the
matrilineal successionof the Lineage, but they didn’t achieve to determine her marriage because
the twelve Atumurunas alive were all very close relatives and whose parents and grandparents
had been also cousins and brothers amongst themselves; any relationship with them would
degrade with security the Pure Blood, would cause the degeneration of the offspring. Was in
these circumtances the Noyos observed «a Lytic Signal in the Stone of Venus» and received
the visit of «the God Küv».
The Crown of the King Kollman rested since centuries ago on an altar of stone with form
of straight circular site: the extremes of the exterior arch were united by with an interior
arch in relief, parallel to the first, to symbolize the image of the waning Moon; and over that
half-moon was placed the Sacred Crown, with the Stone of Venus facing the circular edge. The
Noyos commonly seated before the Crown, aligning the sight with Stone of Venus and the
vertex of the straight angle of the altar. Opossed to what happened with the Lords of Tharsis,
perhaps due to the endogamy; the twelve Atumurunas Noyos were capable to project the Lytic
Signal in the Stone of Venus.
Thencefore they recognized a megalithic scenery that, even though it was located at
thousands of kilometres from the Lake Titicaca, it not implied maritime routes and sylvan as
the starred by the Spaniard Initiates. What was seen, indeed, was a replica of the rocks of