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possible to the Extersteine of Valley Magno. With the Lords of Tharsis, to escort them and
guard the Pucará of Tharsy, fifty families of the People of the moon would go instead. One
week after they had arrived, and in the moments when Almagro was located in Tarija, the
travellers re-took their march.
All happened just as the Lords of Tharsis desired. Almagro was confused by the Indians
and he missed the trace of the fugitives. After an unsuccessful quest in the Argentinian
territory he moved to Chile, and after ten months of vain march, becoming aware that the rich
Empire described by Pizarro not appeared. He returned finally, in September of 1536, to Cuzco,
with his ten troops decimated and tired for such worthless journeys. There was occurring a
general insurrection that had besieged Cuzco and threatened to reduce the Spanish conquest to
a disaster. The presence of Diego de Alamgro put to thousands of Indians to flight and saved of
a secure death to Francisco and Hernando Pizarro, what not prevented that this last one
exerted the garrotte on him in 1538, after his lost in the Battle of Las Salinas.
The escort of the Lords of Tharsis and the Princess Quilla was composed by five
Amautas of the Black Bonnet and forty five Quillarunas, with their families. The Amautas
enjoyed of great authority in the Inga Empire and not for that existed any inconvenient in the
garrisons of the Pucará to comply with their orders: all received the order to abandon their
places and return to Cuzco, avoiding to cross with the Spaniards in the journey because they
would reduce them to the slavery. And the Spaniards, who lacked of the Hyperborean Wisdom,
nothing could do against such fortresses which construction is based in the principle of the
Enclosure and the Strategic Wall; indeed, even if they could occupy them militarily, they could
never warn about the exterios menhirs, the referential stones, which would remain invisible
even if they would be beside them. Lito of Tharsis, always guided by the Amautas, left behind
the Pucará de Andalgalá and beared with his people the cold inclemencies of the Nevados de
Aconquija: on the other side of that Mountain Range is the Valley of Thafy. When he
approached to the Pucará, just a sigh around it was enough to confirm that it was the searched
place, the Lytic image that the Stone of Venus showed him in the Secret Cavern of
Huelva. The fortress was descried clearly, of Vrunic form, and out of it the Cromlech, in which
interior was erected the might Menhir of Tharsy; at the bottom, a trickle of a small river
watered the barren stones of the Valley, coming from an aperture of far mountains.
The newcomers occupied the area and dedicated to prepare an eventual Magic Defense:
they would project over the wall of stone the principle of the Fortress and, over it,
they would impress one of the Vrunes of Navutan; therefore they would obtain
Strategic Wall, invulnerable before the spatial and temporal Strategy of the asleep
Spaniards; then they would realize the strategic opposition against the referential
stone, against the Menhir of Tharsy, and the whole area would turn culturally invisible:
and they could never be discovered by the asleep men. How to obtain that such
protection be permanent?: practicing the Magical Agriculture, heritage of the White
Atlanteans, in the exterior area of the Strategic Wall. When they germinate, grow and
mature, the seeds which genetic information has been altered by the transmutative
power of the Uncreated Spirit, they not respond to it archetypal finality, to the model
that is located in the actual Heaven, but a paradigm of another Heaven, to a mold of
another World: and that unknown Heaven is what reigns then in the Microclimate of